Well, that's the thing, they are trying to get away from "the world's flea market" and become more of an "online marketplace". It seems what they are trying to do is become more like Amazon.
Yeah, I agree, less cost upfront for listing is a good thing. But, the fee thing actually I have mixed feelings about, cuz I see where this can go in a few years. I think they are eventually going to charge up the wazoo in FVF. And they'll do it slowly, too, so we won't even realize it's happening until it's happened. Right now they are doing the "good news, bad news" routine with us to soften the raise in prices. Maybe that's a little of my conspiracy theorist coming out, but that's what I think.
Now, the things that are bugging me the most are of course the feedback system changes, which are totally unfair to sellers. Not being able to leave neg fb for bad buyers is just unacceptable. I'm like you, I rarely leave a neg, but when I gotta, I gotta. I don't like that an NPB can still give a neg as long as they respond to the unpaid item negotiation, for example. Yeah, like that won't backfire. And that Paypal is going to hold funds for 21 days on some auctions, if they feel they should. And that Ebay is moving toward requiring paypal (I use paypal, but I think sellers should have a choice). Just a bunch of stuff that really makes me feel uneasy. We'll see how it goes, if it weeds out the bad sellers, great, but if it makes it unbearable for the good sellers, not good.
I hope they can do something about bad buyers just signing up under a new name, cuz I know, they've been doing it for years. Had someone bid on my items twice, but under two different usernames (yeah, I KNOW it was the same idiot) - just to ask me to retract their bid, cuz they don't do Paypal (I do Paypal exclusively), cuz Paypal is evil, and I should stop using Paypal too. REALLY? sheesh. Okay, I just realized I was venting a bit, I'll stop now, LOL!