Orange Swirl Hot Process Soap

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Active Member
Dec 3, 2023
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Utah, USA
Well I'm not sure if I have a color morph with the gold mica I tried to use in my swirl , or if the brownish color is just how it looks in solid colored soap. I used orange mica from Brambleberry, gold mica from an Amazon supplier called RIYA, and the white is the soaps natural color.

I've had a red mica from RIYA completely disappear in my cold process soap before (which is funny to me because they advertise as being great for coloring soaps) so now I'm going through this massive sample pack I have and figuring out which ones will or won't disappear. I'm guessing brownish is just how it looks since the soap was fully cooked by the time I added the mica but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

It's a Hot Process coconut oil soap, so naturally chunky tops, and I put a mica drizzle on top because I've always wanted to try it. Turns out I put too much oil haha so I'll probably do glycerine or just less oil next time I try it.

Love Spell FO. I've never smelled the one from Victoria's secret, but I might have to now, this
soap smells amazing

Was the mica certified to be used in CP or HP soap?
It's certified as cruelty free and eco-friendly. In the product description is where it went on about being great for cosmetics and soap, and I could find only one soap specific review and it was a M&P review that said it did well. It was originally bought by my spouse for epoxy resin so I can always give it back to him if the Micas aren't up to snuff for soaping. Are there soap specific certifications I can search for to filter my results?

Looks really cool! I can never manage to make swirls in HP soap.
I definitely have to work fast, and I still have air pocket trouble sometimes! Giving the loaf a few good whacks on the counter seems to help a lot to get the batter to settle :)
Beautiful! I just started making HP soap and I think it will be what I perfer. It's kinda hard to find other HP soapers. How high is your temp when you soap in order to be able to swirl like that?
Great looking bars!

FYI, if a mica doesn’t specifically say that it is stable in CP soap, you should assume that it isn’t, and that it probably won’t work for HP, either. Even fully-cooked HP soap is highly alkaline, and likely to morph at least some of your mica colors.
Beautiful! I just started making HP soap and I think it will be what I perfer. It's kinda hard to find other HP soapers. How high is your temp when you soap in order to be able to swirl like that?
Well I use the low setting on my thrifted crockpot from the 80's, but I do what I can to work fast. I disperse my mica in oil in the bottom of little individual pitchers, which helps the color incorporate much faster because you don't have to worry about mica clumps! After mixing, it's just getting it in the mold ASAP! This one the hangar left big cavities going down into the soap but once I smacked it on the counter it was cohesive again. It was too far cooled for a fancy top though, my spoon didn't even leave an impression, it just started pushing the warmer more liquidy soap underneath up the sides 😂 Definitely having a soap high in saturated fats will do that to you! I really like both HP and CP, I feel like they have their individual strengths, and I just love being able to make soap!
Well I'm not sure if I have a color morph with the gold mica I tried to use in my swirl , or if the brownish color is just how it looks in solid colored soap. I used orange mica from Brambleberry, gold mica from an Amazon supplier called RIYA, and the white is the soaps natural color.

I've had a red mica from RIYA completely disappear in my cold process soap before (which is funny to me because they advertise as being great for coloring soaps) so now I'm going through this massive sample pack I have and figuring out which ones will or won't disappear. I'm guessing brownish is just how it looks since the soap was fully cooked by the time I added the mica but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️

It's a Hot Process coconut oil soap, so naturally chunky tops, and I put a mica drizzle on top because I've always wanted to try it. Turns out I put too much oil haha so I'll probably do glycerine or just less oil next time I try it.

Love Spell FO. I've never smelled the one from Victoria's secret, but I might have to now, this
soap smells amazing

View attachment 76947
Intentional or not, that's great looking soap!

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