Officially disgusted

Soapmaking Forum

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Ok, I'm gonna just bite the bullet and accept the humiliation the will come with the learning process. I have several things that are happening on older soaps that I think are soda ash, but I'm not sure. Will post pics later with descriptions of what I saw initially. Gosh it would be Infinately easier and so much fun to have you all in my kitchen! If only...
Heavens above!!! Don't be humiliated! There are several threads going for people to post their uglies or botches. In truth, it's not at all bad to be able to laugh at your bombs and if we laugh, it's not at you at all. I got a new computer or I would post my one batch that looked like a massive pile of snot so you'd know you're not alone. I also had a batch I called "Roadkill." (I don't sell so don't worry)
Thank you! You're all very sweet, and quite encouraging. As soon as my kids are around ill have them help me with pics