No gel, do you stop the gel?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 22, 2009
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I made some soap and put in fridge to stop the gel process, what a difference in color and look, do many of you stop the gel peocess? why and why not?
honor435 said:
I made some soap and put in fridge to stop the gel process, what a difference in color and look, do many of you stop the gel peocess? why and why not?

I would be interested in the answer to that question as well. I always gel. Mostly because I'm satisfied with my soaps as they are. But, the other day, I accidentially didn't gel (long story) and the look and texture is totally different. I can't decide if I like it or not.
I don't gel my eucalyptus EO soap. I think the scent is stronger if I halt gelling.

Otherwise, I CPOP most soaps.
i try to never gel my milk soaps. i say try because some fragrance have a mind of their own and heat up no matter what i do. :wink: be it snow bank, frig or freezer.
Not gelling makes the soap have a lighter, creamier appearance. I like it, but I don't like the texture of non-gelled soap. It takes a LOT longer to cure than gelled soap and it seems to not last as long either.

Personally I always gel all of my soaps, except for the small amount I usually have left in my pot (after pouring it into my big log mold). I usually scrape the leftovers into small plastic single cavity molds and those don't gel. So... I have gelled soap and ungelled soap all the time.
AshleyR said:
Not gelling makes the soap have a lighter, creamier appearance. I like it, but I don't like the texture of non-gelled soap. It takes a LOT longer to cure than gelled soap and it seems to not last as long either.

Personally I always gel all of my soaps, except for the small amount I usually have left in my pot (after pouring it into my big log mold). I usually scrape the leftovers into small plastic single cavity molds and those don't gel. So... I have gelled soap and ungelled soap all the time.

So, if i want to gel my soap that is in plastic molds, how do i do it? I tried covering, didnt work, not sure the plastic molds can stand oven heat?
insulate them with a towel , or newspapers, then a towel... and put in your oven (with no heat on) itll retain the heat better and the newspapers and towel will help to keep them hot. i would not put plastic in the oven with it on, it will melt and/or light on fire resulting in baaaaaaaaaaaaaaad stuff and no soap for you!

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