need some suggestions for the perfect rose fo...

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Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2010
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I am getting ready to make an order of samples and need to find the perfect artificial rose.....tried two from E7 and one was sorta okay....neither gave my nose satisfaction....I realize it is asking alot, and it possibly doesn't exist, but sure would appreciate a bit of direction thanks
Oh, it exists. At least to me it does. :)

My favorite rose fragrance oil is Yellow Rose of Texas from SouthernSoapers. My second fave is True Rose from SweetCakes. Both are very realistic rose scents, but I like Yellow Rose of Texas better because there's a touch of sweetness to it that reminds me of one of the roses my sister grows in her rose garden. It happens to be my favorite rose and the fragrance oil smells exactly like it.

IrishLass :)
IrishLass said:
Oh, it exists. At least to me it does. :)

My favorite rose fragrance oil is Yellow Rose of Texas from SouthernSoapers. My second fave is True Rose from SweetCakes. Both are very realistic rose scents, but I like Yellow Rose of Texas better because there's a touch of sweetness to it that reminds me of one of the roses my sister grows in her rose garden. It happens to be my favorite rose and the fragrance oil smells exactly like it.

IrishLass :)

Ditto! I think you gave me the Yellow Rose suggestion. It's my favorite as well.
favorite rose fragrance

:oops: didn't see this till today...thanks for the suggestions i shall follow them when i make my next's just been too sweet outside to make soap right now.
I've tried a few and True Rose from Sweetcakes is my favorite. It has a nice soft fragrance and soaps in CP very well.
I'm not a floral gal but I looooove the subtle softer Rose of
AH/RE (aroma have / rusticescentuals) Sandy Rose. It soaps
a dream with no A or D.
I love Golden Rose from CandleScience. very fresh and floral without the (sorry) "old lady" smell.
The most "realistic" rose scent I ever found was Red Rose f.o. (lSweetCakes). It smells Rosa Canina (wild rose) for true. Nothing powdery, no chemical undertone : the perfect rose f.o. (IMO)
I truly hate florals, but was so surprised by rose from candlescience. No old lady smell just straight rose and it soaps great! They have a .99 sample sale right now too.
True that Rose Garden (New Directions Aromatics) is not bad at all...

I wonder how comes that the smell of roses is linked to "old women". Myself I am an "old" woman (is 60 enough ?) and I don't disdain the smell of roses... Old things can be charming sometimes, no ?
old "things" can definately be charming....don't know if 60 qualifies you though as an old lady these days. I have tried New Directions Rose garden and it was okay....but it sure didn't smell like the roses in MY sister's garden.
Thank you, Patrice. Honestly, I find myself an old thing beside so many new things that I don't need or that I don't care about.

Of course, there is nothing comparable to a true rose. The perfume of a true rose is living and feeds the body and mind.

A f.o. is something fragrancy but dead. After all, those are chemical mixes.
I guess i don't want to label a 60 yr old woman old as i have just a few years until I am there myself. I totally agree with you concerning the smell of a true rose and the smells of fragrance oils.....I just really really want to be able to create a great rose soap....and since i am not marketing to the Royal classes....darn, maybe i ought to be creating high end products......nah. I actually live close enough to some very exclusive resorts, that I COULD cultivate the rich folks as customers....but being a peasant myself.....I have a strong preference for other it's back to the fragrance oils....A great vanilla and sandlewood are also on my list but, it is as you say about a true rose.....just can't even come close to the real thing with a bunch of chemicals.......regarding the old lady thing.....the older you get, the older old gets.... :lol: And so, at the ripe old age of 51, 60 looks pretty young to me. My favorite Aunt "Shorty" fended off a large male coyote who was determined to have her dog for breakfast one morning while out walking the sage hills near her house in Smith Nevada. She was 89 at the time. On the other hand, i know what you mean about not needing or caring for all kinds of new things. I have found with maturity comes a realization that i only have a certain amount of time and I have less tolerance for stuff that steals my time....tending material things falls into this category....and having to tend new poorly made stuff is particularly annoying.
So good post. I really appreciate. It is interesting to talk about our work(s) but also about the forumites' philosophy can be very interesting too. Thank you ! I wish that you can find whatever you are looking for.
I had a wonderful red rose tree (rosier) some years ago and when I found Sweet Cakes' Red Roses, I really found that the smell (even if a dead chemical thing) was very close to the true perfume of my red roses.
just realized your location. thank you for you sweet cakes red roses suggestion. That makes two suggestions for rose fragrance oils where folks claim they smell like real roses. I sure wish that scents could be posted as easily as words. :D But then i would probably be tempted to send my future ex husband a good dose of rue :lol:

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