My First Beer Soap pics

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Active Member
Jan 28, 2011
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My first beer soap made with Guinness. We had an Arizona beer week so I made this soap in honor of one of my favorite beer memories. I took a trip to Ireland and drank the best glass of Guinness I have ever had at the 360 bar on top of the Guinness brewery overlooking the city of Dublin.


Cut bars of beer soap

Playing with the pictures
Well, not only as this site caused me to spend all kinds of money I shouldn't have, now it's going to make me drink more beer. I'd rather drink it than soap with it!!

That soap looks wonderfully rich. Let us know how it feels on the skin.
My husband is such a bah humbug. I would love to make him a beer soap, but he wants no part of it. I love the look of your soap, and think it would be a great "manly" soap.
Love the color it turned out, I've only made beer soap once and it came out pale cream not very happy with it :cry:, must try Guinness, thanks for the inspiration :wink: