Moisturising soap

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Mar 31, 2011
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Hi...I am new to the forum and this place is great!!! I started making soap about 6 months ago and this site has helped answer alot of questions. But I have one about a recipe i'm using. I would like to make soap favors for my sister in laws bridal shower. This is the latest recipe I made:
11.3 CO
11.7 PO
15.5 OO
3.2 AO
6.1 Lye
15.5 Goat milk
2 1/3T. Lavendar fragrance
1T. Almond fragrance

I let this soap cure for about 4 weeks and after using it myself, it almost seems drying to my skin. It cleans very well, but I was hoping it would be more moisturising.
Should it have more OO in it to be more moistursing?
Any help would greatly be appreciated!!
There are five choices for AO on SoapCalc, so which one did you use, Almond Oil, Andiroba Oil, Apricot Kernal Oil, Argan Oil, or Avocado Oil? If it is Almond Oil, then SoapCalc lists the amount of lye for a 5% superfat at 5.9 oz. You could be a little lye heavy. You might also have an allergy to one of the oils used. Some people have allergies to coconut or palm oil. You could superfat it more and use cream as half the liquid, adding at thin trace.
Sorry about that...yes I used Almond Oil. When you say to use cream as half the liquid what do you mean by that? If I discount the lye do I need to use a preservative? I have read about grapefruit seed extract, I wasn't sure how much lye discount could be taken before I should use grapefruit seed.
I use cow's cream for half my liquid and water for the other half. I dissolve the lye in water and go ahead as usual, at thin trace I add the cream. It makes a lighter soap for me. Some people put their milk soaps in the refrigerator or freezer to prevent gel. I have not had any luck with my refrigerator preventing a gel, I usually get a partial gel in the refrigerator. You do not need a preservative for cold process soap. You might want to add a few drops of Vit E to prevent any rancidity for a high superfat. Vit E is also good for the skin.
I do the default 5% superfat that SoapCalc is set at, but many people do a much higher superfat.
I am sure the more experienced soapers can help out with more suggestions. I think many of them do a high superfat.
soap removes oils. that's soap's job. for a moisturizing product you will need to look elsewhere.

if, though, you are looking for your soap to provide less cleansing, try increasing your lye discount or adding materials that have oils in them - like milk.
No preservative in soap.
Antioxidants are not typically necessary, but some use them. It's more based on your choice of oils, though, and not on your level of superfat/lye discount.
From what I can tell, you don't need an antioxidant. BUT if you are using hard water, older oils, etc you may want to consider one.
Thanks for the replies...I appreciate it! I am hoping to tweak the recipe and get a nice soap to make for favors. My sister in law loves the idea so I thought it would be a real nice gift.
Once again thanks for replying!!