Modifying Recipes (Newb Question)

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Active Member
Oct 4, 2011
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Forgive me for my ignorance or if this is a silly question. Some of you may know that I am still very new to this!

I'd like to know about modifying recipes. For example, can I use a recipe I have been given and alter the additives/botanical and fragrances? I do understand that you need to be very precise when creating recipes. I am nowhere near being able to create, or understand how to create, new recipes. At this stage, I'm happy just to follow other recipes until I fully understand what I am doing and have a few batches under my belt!

Here is the original recipe:

397g Coconut Oil
567g Extra Virgin OO
142g Sodium Hydroxide
340g Water
15g Lavender EO (or Musk Rose)
Lavender botanicals (or Dried Rose Petals)

I've used the rose oil and botanicals, but I'd prefer not to use the lavender (just not my 'thing' but it came with the kit). What I would like to use is Lemon Myrtle oil and Poppy Seeds as an additive. Is this possible, or will I need to recalculate things?
You only need to recalculate if you change the soap (oils or quantities), not the additives.

But to change the additives, it helps knowing how they behave. For this purpose, I to test batches, where I mix like half dozen different additives in half dozen little molds.
Thank you Fragola!

So, for example, if I wanted to change the Coconut Oil to Grapeseed Oil (baring in mind I still have no idea how to create recipes and nobody would probably do this) I would need to recalculate all the measurements according to certain recommended percentages? Is that how I am to understand the process of creating a new recipe? That certain oils/fats should only have certain amounts included in a recipe? I think basically what I'm trying to ask is, to use 1000g of a combination of oils/fats, I can't just say 250g of this, 550g of that and 200g of something else can I? What I do understand though, is that I need to work out the amount of lye for each oil/fat using a lye calculator.

Yes, Hazel, it would be Lemon Myrtle EO. :)
The oil percentages need to be balanced according to the properties of each oil. You can check the values from the lye calculator, for:


For example, you don't want a soap which is soft and mushy, or too drying on the skin.

You usually can ask for feedback on a new recipe on the forum, and people who have tried something similar may come up with tips or suggestions.

Of course, these are only a guide, you still need to try a recipe and see how you like it. Oils often have more specific properties, on top of these basic ones. There were few links posted here couple of days ago about oil properties.

Yes, you need to calculate the lye.

For me, first step in formulating a recipe is guessing it. Next, is trying a small batch, after which waiting few months to see how it behaves (during usage, storage). And finally fixing what didn't work quite well. But since I'm a curious cat, I keep trying new recipes, instead of sticking to what seems to work :p
SoapDish said:
I would need to recalculate all the measurements according to certain recommended percentages? Is that how I am to understand the process of creating a new recipe? That certain oils/fats should only have certain amounts included in a recipe?

Yes, you are correct that certain oils do have recommended amounts. But that's all they are - recommendations. Once you learn the properties of oils and butters, you can create your recipes and you might find you prefer a particular oil at a higher percentage than what is "recommended". Experience and experimentation will help you learn what you prefer in your soap.

SoapDish said:
I think basically what I'm trying to ask is, to use 1000g of a combination of oils/fats, I can't just say 250g of this, 550g of that and 200g of something else can I?

Yes, you can say I want to replace 250 g of coconut oil with palm kernel oil or I want to replace 200 g of grapeseed oil with sunflower oil. Your recipe should turn out fine as long as an oil is replaced with an oil with similar properties.

Before creating your own recipe, you need to understand the properties of the oils. You're right. Nobody would replace coconut oil with grapeseed oil. Coconut oil helps to create a hard bar and bubbly lather. It is drying in soap and generally people use 30% or less (except for in salt bars but that's another topic. :lol: ) If you wanted to replace it, you would want to use an oil which has similar properties like palm kernel oil or babassu oil. Grapeseed oil creates a softer, more conditioning bar. It's similar to sunflower or soybean oil.

Here's some links which discuss creating your own recipe. I think you'll find them helpful. ... recipe.htm

I just saw Fragola has already answered your question. Basically, we're saying the same thing. But since I already spent all this time writing my reply so I'm going to post it. :lol:
Fragola and Hazel, thank you so much for your great information. I am still a long way off creating my own recipes, but I find it extremely helpful in knowing that I should find out the properties of oils and butters first. I will look up these links provided and get started.

As a beginner, it's difficult to organise the wealth of information that is available. It's hard to know which information is useful to me AT THIS STAGE of learning. I've gathered so much information that I find trying to process what is necessary to know right now and what can be left until later is a little out of control. I'm eager to learn so much about it, but may also be getting ahead of myself at the same time. :lol: I hope you don't mind my queries from time to time though.

For now, I shall learn todays lesson about oils and butters. lol :D Thank you folks!
I'm only new to but have had small play with some recipes I have found.

I have found this site helpful for oils and what they can bring to a soap ... -oils.html
If you click on the oil it has the info and some of them wat they are comparable to.

I have used that with soapcalc, entering the original recipe, then one with the changes and comparing them for hardness lather etc.
You're welcome. :D

Once you know what properties an oil contributes to soap, it won't take you long to start formulating your own. It helps to know what qualities you want in your soap. I prefer a more conditioning bar because I have dry skin. I also found out through experimentation that I prefer coconut oil at a lower percentage (20%-25%) unless I use a higher superfat.

I was overwhelmed by all the information in the beginning, too. Another thing I did was I started at the beginning of the posts in the CP section and started reading. I didn't read every topic and some I just skimmed but it was very helpful. Also, very time consuming. :lol: However, you can research all you want but it's the actual making of soap which is going to help. You'll be surprised at how quickly you'll learn and understand once you start making batches.

Good luck! Please let us know how it's going for you.

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