March 2019 SMF Challenge - Felted Soap ENTRY THREAD

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Grandmother & Soaper
Supporting Member
Apr 30, 2016
Reaction score
Western Illinois, USA
This is the ENTRY Thread for the March 2019 SMF Felted Soap Challenge. Entries may be uploaded here starting today through March 30th. Voting will commence on March 30, 2019 at 11:59 pm CST the winning entry will be chosen using survey monkey and the winner announced on March 31, 2019.

Please include your chosen entry photo and a brief description of your process if so desired. You may change your entry up to the time the entry thread closes.

Below is a link to the challenge thread should you need to review the rules:

Thank you to all participants.
Thank you earlene! It was hard to decide on what to try, so my youngest Addi suggested her favorite Pokémon Pikachu. I felted one of my round cold process whipped soap bars “floap” so she could play with it in the tub! Then used a foam board that came with a kit from Amazon to, felt the ears. A few bloody fingers later, I attached the ears with the same needle felting process that I used to make the face. Thanks for posting all the awesome examples and videos. It’s not perfect, but it was fun to do!!!
My entry inspired by the October 2018 travel soap challenge. I had the idea back then to make thin slices of soap designed as flags of the world. However, I didn't make the deadline and in fact never got past the design stage..Will still.make them at some point.

However I was further inspired by SunRiseArts' comment that to her, travel soap is felted soap, because it is a soap and a washcloth in one. I think that is just a brilliant idea.

So- I took a batch of soap that didn't turn out the prettiest and cut the bars into small travel sized rectangles.


And then had my first attempt at basic wet felting. A needle felt technique to put the details on probably would have worked better, and certainly will be necessary for more detailed flags. However I didn't have much time so decided to keep it simple.

And so I present - a soapy trip around the world. Iceland, France, Netherlands, Scotland, Japan and Palau

I started with the tulip because it's spring here and there are so many flowers and trees budding. Then I made the kitty, humming bird, bunny and finally the dragonfly. Before I knew it, I had a set of spring inspired felted soaps. Thanks for this challenge! I enjoyed it a lot and now have a new way to use my not-so-pretty soaps :D
I started with the tulip because it's spring here and there are so many flowers and trees budding. Then I made the kitty, humming bird, bunny and finally the dragonfly. Before I knew it, I had a set of spring inspired felted soaps. Thanks for this challenge! I enjoyed it a lot and now have a new way to use my not-so-pretty soaps :DView attachment 37911
I belong to the Mardi Gras krewe 'Mystic Krewe of Nyx' and our colors are hot pink and black.
My entry is my attempt to do a fleur-de-lis design in our Krewe colors....yeah, I'm gonna need some more practice at felting, LOL!!
I staged my soaps with my wig, headdress, and mask from this year's parade - my float's theme was 'Pharaoh' :)
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The entry thread is now closed. A link for voting and the password will be sent shortly via 'conversations' to each of the folks who signed up. Voting is open for 24 hours or until all 7 have voted, whichever comes first. The winners will be announced after that by about midnight CT on March 31st, 2019.