stepibarra said:
Thanks Greg, I tried the Library, but didn't find much... I will check again...
Well you're in Houston and that's a pretty big city...
Heh, actually I just checked your library for you and they have your soaper books filed under 668.12:
click this link
Here's some possibilities:
"Handcrafted Soap" by Delores Boone
"Natural Soapmaking" by Marie Browning "
300 handcrafted soaps : great melt & pour projects"
"The handmade soap book" by Melinda Coss
"Soapmaking :
50 fun & fabulous soaps to melt & pour" by Joe Rhatigan
"The soapmaker's companion : a comprehensive guide with recipes, techniques & know-how" by Susan Miller Cavitch (primarily CP but a good book)
"Country living handmade soap : recipes for crafting soap at home" by Mike Hulbert (covers making your own base then milling it, but you could make the same bars with M&P)
If I were you I'd reserve Browning's book and Rhatigan's book right away. I can see that your library is like mine where you can place a hold request and have them sent to your nearest branch. Give me your library card and I'll do it for you. No, wait, I'm just kidding!

You might consider getting a few more at the same time. I started out at my own library with about a dozen books then I kept the best and got some more. Our books are for 3 weeks with 2 renewals allowed, so I can keep the books for up to 9 weeks before I have to return them. If I can't learn something in two months there's something wrong with me!