
yesterday's soaping followed Murphy's Law, detailed at What soapy thing have you done today? . Was so pumped to try the Zig Zag Cosmic Wave -- but had to do a hanger Ione swirl (I even had a name in mind for my entry! Wait for it....Zig Zag Zing!). I used less than 1/2 of my loaf mold and couldn't quite figure out how to cut it, LOL. I like the tops, but the bottoms, not so much. I'll just tell users to only use the top! I still got soap, though, that smells awesome - anise/peppermint. Plus Mrs. Zing and I got to work on a project together! Hers is the white/yellow and still my favorite recipe -- rosemary/lemongrass. Her in-the-pot-swirl turned into a spoon swirl since she was working with like cement-level trace.