Just made my first goat's milk soap and I think I'm in love!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 19, 2010
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Wow - goat's milk is awesome! I've made soap using buttermilk before and it was nice, but this goat's milk made such a creamy, rich soap, it's amazing! And it smells heavenly. I used a fairly small amount (but enough) of water to mix with the lye and then I added a double strength goatsmilk portion at trace (added twice the recommended amount of GM powder to warm water and mixed very well). I also added Oatmeal and honey. I did not scent the batch.

Interesting comparison - I had some extra left over that I poured into a small silicone muffin pan. Those smaller soaps did not gel (I think - because they look very different from the rest of the batch). It's interesting to see the difference. I know a lot of people don't like to gel their GM soaps, but I have to say that the gelled portion looks and smells good enough to eat. The color is rich and honey like (I'll try to remember to post pics later). It didn't quite gel to the edges, but I'm trying to get used to a new mold, so that's not a huge deal at this point. The ungelled soap looks nice as well (lighter in color), but it doesn't have any smell to it. I sure hope the smell in the gelled portion sticks around. My experience with other oatmeal and honey soaps is that the smell does stay, though faint.

I'm so in love with this GM soap - I just thought I'd share - and I will post pics later!!!
goat's milk soap

I'm glad you are enjoying the goat's milk. It accounts for about 90% of my cp soaps, and I love it. I prefer gelled soap myself, but it really comes down to personal preferences. I don't find my gelled soap any darker in color than the ungelled, generally, and I think it is all in the mixing of the lye and the milk. It is my experience that, if I keep things under control in that phase, then the soap will stay a lighter color even if it has a good gel.
Actually, I did not even mix my milk with the lye, but added it at the end, at trace. I know you can freeze it and do it real gradually during the lye/water phase, but I decided to avoid that altogether. I haven't even used it yet (obviously), but I am just so thrilled with the appearance and smell. I can see why it would be a big portion of your soap line! Do you find any particular benefit in mixing the milk with the lye directly, as opposed to adding it at trace?
Not KD, but I have my own goats so the need to freeze the milk and mix with the lye from the get-go is a must. I could do 1/2 water, 1/2 milk and add the milk later, but that would defeat my purpose. I need to use the milk. Plus, there's no waiting for the mixture to cool down as it is already cool so I can add to my oils after it is dissolved. And it does make wonderful soap.

Glad you're pleased with yours. Now go get yourself some goats! :lol:
can't wait to see it :) It sounds like a good way to incorporate it into the mix. very encouraging. I have to find goats milk and give it a try.
c.a.p. said:
Not KD, but I have my own goats so the need to freeze the milk and mix with the lye from the get-go is a must. I could do 1/2 water, 1/2 milk and add the milk later, but that would defeat my purpose. I need to use the milk. Plus, there's no waiting for the mixture to cool down as it is already cool so I can add to my oils after it is dissolved. And it does make wonderful soap.

Glad you're pleased with yours. Now go get yourself some goats! :lol:

Yes, definitely need goats!

Actually waiting on some of mine to start kidding so I have enough milk for soap. Right now, there's just enough coming in for household use. :? I do have enough in the freezer for four batches, though! :D
Okay - here are some pics! The bars are very slightly sweating, I think. It's basically one small drop of ??? forming in the center of each bar and dripping down to the bottom (about a small drop a day). It doesn't bother me and I expect it to stop soon, but I thought I'd mention it.



Beautiful soaps! They look edible and the round one makes me think of peanut butter fudge. It's very creamy looking. The difference between the gelled and ungelled is very interesting.

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