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Jan 11, 2013
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Where do you get yours for soaps?
I mean outside of here and soap blogs etc.
I know I get inspired here all the time but wondering what other ways a soap idea will come to you .
Just curious.
Great question! I have to say what inspires me most is cakes. Because I'm a baker, I'm constantly looking at pictures of cakes and thinking "wow.. That color or that technique would look great in a soap!" I find myself being distracted about soap when I'm at my cake supply store because there are so many great tools that can be used for soaps as well as cakes. Scent is another big inspiration. I've gotten really into mixing EO's and ordering random fragrances that aren't necessarily my type.. Then when I smell it, I try to imagine what color that smells like, and what design that would be, and then the creativity just flows...

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Google Images! :D

If I need something to inspire me, I'll go to Google Images and search for "artisan soap" or "swirled soap" or "pencil line soap" or "soaping technique" or "cold process soap" or whatever! Just add the word soap somewhere in the search and you can't go wrong and you'll get boatloads of pictures up of all kinds of weird and wonderful soaps! :D


I just did an image search for "cold process soap" and this beauty came up! Now this is one heck of a beautiful soap! Now I've done gone and gotten myself all inspired without even meaning to! :mrgreen:

I have been getting my inspiration from caipirinha, mojito, purple haze...etc. I made the caipirinha soap about a month ago. I could not find dried lime slices and so I decided to add dried orange slices for that pop of color and it still worked. :p

2013-10-13 16.26.22.jpg
A sunset or a picture, just about any color combo that strikes my fancy.
People largely inspire my soaps, actually :) Whether they are real or characters from books or movies, I often imagine what a person would smell like and all of a sudden soap starts happening in my head!

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Even though i cannot (and Don't) sell my soap with medicinal intent, that is what inspires me. There are many people who have come to me with skin and pain issues, and the soaps and oils i make have helped them alot. Helping people, is what inspires me.
Inspiration is all around us - so mine comes from the seasons, places we travel to (just back from a long weekend in Provence, and that's always inspirational!), people, designs, other soaps ..... The list is endless.

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Besides several of the above, I also find inspiration in the grocery store. ("I wonder how THAT would be in soap?")
Pinterest. Search "soap" boards and pins and you can find thousands of amazing pics, recipes, and vids.

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