In high school what was your career going to be?

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Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2009
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When you were in high school what did you want to grow up to be?

I wanted to be a teacher. Now I totally wish I had gone that route. Better insurance and summers/holiday's off is sounding pretty sweet right now. I guess I could always go back to school. Sigh.
When I applied to college I wanted to major in foods and nutrition. But before I made it on campus that September, I changed it twice - first to communications (what WAS I thinking) then to biology. I graduated with a concentration in microbiology, and worked in that field for a year. After a series of career changes during my twenties, I became a science teacher when I turned 30, and never looked back. Currently I'm a fifth grade teacher (who teaches science to the entire fifth grade in my school). Yes, I love the breaks and summers off. But it would be nice to be paid more. I have enough graduate degrees for three people. :wink:

Can't say I love my insurance. I've always taught in private schools (albeit good ones), and the insurance isn't nearly as good as in the public school system.

Yes, you could always go back to school! That's what I did. I did a master's degree program for career changers, and that's how I got my certification, as well as my first master's degree. Many programs like that have evening classes, so perhaps your husband could watch the kids for a night or two while you attend class.
In highschool all I wanted to be was a hairdresser. I did it. Hated it.
Now I'm just a soap making mumma bear. Lovin' that.
A sign language interpreter... but I have arthritis in my hands so that was a no go.
I wanted to be Quincy. Yep, that was me... I wanted to be a coroner. I wasn't death obsessed or dark or anything, I just really loved the show Quincy.
That's interesting kelleyaynn, my degree IS food science and nutrition. But I always (and still) wanted to be a librarian.
An Interior Decorator, I worked in a decorators shop for 6 months then got a job as a Florist, not much different ,just arranging flowers instead of houses. :lol:
nothing. i had no idea what was outside of my sheltered life so i wanted to be a mom and not work. now i am a SAHM but i make soap. :)
Deda said:
I wanted to be Quincy. Yep, that was me... I wanted to be a coroner. I wasn't death obsessed or dark or anything, I just really loved the show Quincy.

That's what I wanted to be! When I was younger my mom used to watch
Autopsy: Confessions of a Medical Examiner and I found it so fascinating.

I didn't end up doing that though, but still find it quite interesting. I really like the books by Beth Amos aka Annelise Ryan. They're about a nurse who decides to become a coroner.
I wanted to be a SAHM. Tried it for 6 months and just about went insane!!
I wanted to be a vet ... so I did a placement at the local vet clinic and realised I couldn't cope with hurt animals. Instead I went to uni and then worked as a high school teacher for 13 years (with 2 x 12 months out to have kids). Then overseas ... and I retrained in welfare and worked in a range of rehabs, prisons, mental health, disability, child protection and youth services. Off to another country and I helped people develop customer and business skills. Then to another country ... more welfare work, counselling agencies ... up to now ... working for the department of correctionals services as a corrections officer ... with my main responsibility being home detention.
I wanted to own my own store, make and sell my own clothes, macrame and pottery and go bare feet most of the time.... (born in the 60s I'm afraid...)

Still tinkering with the clothes idea....will let you know if that ever happens!
I wanted to be one of those pretty girls singing on the Lawrence Welk Show...
My road to success is still under construction ;)

:lol: :lol:

Im 25, thinking of getting back to school for computer engineering with specialization in Web programming and applications... then after that an MBA to add to my b.s. in psychology... i figure if I cant find a job after that... im going to try and be pablo escobar. 8)
I really had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up till the age of 20 when I gave birth to my first baby...11 years later I have 4 babies & I'm a Registered Midwife. I'm so glad I don't over-think things; I threw myself into four years of university while also being a mummy, and as crazy as life was at the time, my family survived and I now consider my job to be the best in the whole wide world! I love working with women and their families and feel incredibly privileged to share their childbearing experiences with them :)

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