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I found I was extremely sensitive to SLS, the skin on my face was literally cracking off and the rest of my body felt like crepe paper. The non scented stuff the doctor gave me was mainly made of SLS so I had no improvement. As soon as I got rid of all the synthetic detergent my skin dramatically improved and now it's softer than that of most people I know. I still have to avoid synthetic fragrance too.
One of my favorite soaps to use is unscented and uncolored (except for a tiny mica pencil line). It feels so nice. No frou-frou stuff here, just plain old luxury.

The fancy colors and shapes get the ooh and ahhs on the internet because it's all about the visuals here. But in the shower ... it's down to the soap. Don't be afraid of plain naked soap. And don't think it is not as "good" as the visually pretty ones. Soap is really about what is does, not what it looks like.