I should actually introduce myself!

Soapmaking Forum

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Apr 23, 2009
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I wasn't planning on staying long until I realized that not only is there a wealth of information here, but everyone seems friendly!

My name is Jamie and I am a dog groomer in Chicago, IL. I have been selling mp soaps for party favors for about 4-6 months now. The business was good but not as good as I hoped. Mostly I was doing this for fun, but I realized that my fiance and I will be trying to start a family soon and I would love to have some type of business where I could work from home and make a little bit of extra money... or maybe work part time away and part time at home. So I'm starting now! A few years early! :) I think doing cp soaps will greatly increase my business. I also plan to do farmers markets and such in the area. I won't be actually making soap until after our wedding in early June... but right now I'm doing business basics. Coming up with a name, planning out the etsy site, figuring out recipes and where to order from, etc. I hope to be ready mid June for my first soaps, which means I should be "in business" by mid July if all goes well! I hope to learn a lot from you amazing women and men! I love getting ideas and information on here. This site is truely addictive and I hope that one day I can be as helpful and informative as you have been for me! Thank you!
Hello and Welcome to the forum. Sounds like you have a busy summer ahead of you. Best of luck!
Congrats on your new business!!!

PM me if you need any help. I started my business, to support my family of 4, including a special needs child, that I pay for private schooling. So it was out of more necessity, than fun.

I soap one week a month, and market 3 weeks a month. Its all about the marketing imo.

Looking forward to getting to know you. I have made many friends of this site, enjoy!
It's nice to have you here. Be sure to post lots of pictures. (of your party favors too!) Welcome! :)
