How much is too much when it comes to lard?

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Jul 8, 2012
Reaction score
Arlington, TX
I am wanting to come up with a soap recipe that includes lard, coconut oil, and olive oil. I want it to be predominantly lard. So I am wondering what is the highest percentage of lard you have ever used in a recipe that included other oils? And how did it turn out? How much is too much when it come to lard?
I am playing around with soapcalc to try and find something satisfactory, but I would love to hear and input! Thanks! :razz:
My first soap was 50% lard with CO and soy oil. It came out real nice. I now do mine 30% lard with CO at 40% and safflower 30%. It is not as hard to cut but sets up great. Takes a bit longer to cure but that is OK with me.
I have used as much as 55%, normally 30-40%. I keep CO to 15-20% because it's too drying for me. I like lard and tallow in my soaps. I have used 50-60% tallow (getting it for free, easy to justify). I have combined both with any number of other oils. I personally don't think you can use "too much" of either. IMO ;-}
My standard formula is 38.5% lard. That's the highest percentage oil/fat.
Sorry, this is not exactly relevant, but sort of. I use tallow in my soaps at around 40%. I like to have about 30-35% of my oils as liquid, because it seems to me that if all your oils are hard the fragrance is harder to smell.
70% is what I had stuck in my head for some reason! I am still trying to decide if I want to go that high, or stick around the 50% range... :p

Go ahead and do it! It makes a beautiful creamy, hard bar :) Id have to say that the batch with 70% lard in it is one of my favorites.