How many knitters?

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Ooooo......nice work, everybody! I knit and crochet, like to crochet better, but like the look of knitting better. Not working on anything at the moment, but went to an alpaca farm a few weeks ago and bought a skein.....just one, they were expensive!.....of beautiful, soft alpaca yarn. I'm thinking of making a pair of fingerless gloves with it. Nothing as fancy as yours Lindy, they're beautiful! I like them because they work up fast. I do have a pattern for a pair with a branch and bird on them....have never done anything like that, but maybe this yarn is special enough for me to make the effort.

Tienne, I love the fact that you still have the first thing that you ever knit. And that it was a scarf for your dog! I absolutely love that. :grin:
Okay I went with sweater, soaker and booties....

I haven't blocked the sweater yet and the booties were crocheted....


Lovely set Lindy, I presume soakers are pilchers to go over the nappy? Never heard that term.
I used to knit a lot with yarns I dyed myself, and I used to have a fine time creating stuff like this:

(I had a thing about tea cosies for a while....)
I've not knitted for a few years now, I used to sell my patterns way back when but then illness clobbered me and I stopped :(
Anna those are gorgeous!

Relle thank you! Soakers are really great in the summertime because they do absorb well if they are made with wool since wool absorbs so much and keeps baby cool. So you don't have to use plastic over-diaper pants which just get hot. If they are made for cloth nappies then you lanolize the wool to protect both the soaker and adds special properties for the skin of baby. You have to do this every 4 or so washings.My nephew and his wife and using paper disposables so these will just be decorative and therefore not lanolized.
Hey knitters .. I've got some perfectly good, but very ugly round soaps and was thinking of crocheting some scrubbies to put over them. Any thoughts on best yarn for scrubby type covers?

How about felting them with wool roving? Googling "felting soap" will bring up lots of images and instructions.
I knit while waiting on soap to cure. I like to make socks. Usually I go cuff down but recently I've been teaching myself toe up. Mainly because I do not like the look if a cuff down toe. Funny...I like the rest of the cuff down sock better than the toe up. Its just that darn toe! If one could only combine the two! I also make miniature teddy bears, hand sewn just like the big guys but like 2 inches small (really, I'm not joking). All of you guys are so talented. I am glad I found this site. Nice little crafting community ;)
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I knit as well! Socks are like soap in that they are addictive to make. I have knit for 11 years. I know that because I started knitting to get respite from my colicky daughter at the time; and she's 11. I am knitting a lace scarf with beads added right now.
Funny! I knit to relieve stress also. People ask me how something so seemingly complicated can help keep you grounded. I say, " the hard part is learning, then finding good yarn. Just don't try to learn when you're pissed cuz you'll
never catch on. But once you get it, it's a breeze. A piece if string and some sticks. Simple!" I'd like to see what you knit. :)
Knitter here.

I mostly knit in the winter, my hands just get too tacky in the summer working with yarn. So I knit and crochet back and forth.

This past fall I made beanie type hats for all the guys in my husband's online game clan. This one is my favorite. They were the same style, just different colors and stripes etc.

Made with basic Wool blend so they could be easily washed and cared for, but warm and cozy. They were well received. :)

I knit while waiting on soap to cure. I like to make socks. Usually I go cuff down but recently I've been teaching myself toe up. Mainly because I do not like the look if a cuff down toe. Funny...I like the rest of the cuff down sock better than the toe up. Its just that darn toe! If one could only combine the two! I also make miniature teddy bears, hand sewn just like the big guys but like 2 inches small (really, I'm not joking). All of you guys are so talented. I am glad I found this site. Nice little crafting community ;)

Those teddy bears are super sweet!

Can you do an "afterthought toe", if you don't mind all the kitchener it would require? Like knit the toe, then graft it onto the end of the sock?

I knit, used to crochet. Socks, mitts, sweaters, name it.

Just finished a pair of socks, finishing a baby sweater. sorry, have no pics.
Knitter here.

I mostly knit in the winter, my hands just get too tacky in the summer working with yarn. So I knit and crochet back and forth.

This past fall I made beanie type hats for all the guys in my husband's online game clan. This one is my favorite. They were the same style, just different colors and stripes etc.

Made with basic Wool blend so they could be easily washed and cared for, but warm and cozy. They were well received. :)

Nice. My daughter is into those right now. She makes hers on those hoop thingies, i keep begging her to let me teach her to knit. But she's stubborn. If she can't teach herself, she won't do it. Love the colors.

Those teddy bears are super sweet!

Can you do an "afterthought toe", if you don't mind all the kitchener it would require? Like knit the toe, then graft it onto the end of the sock?

I knit, used to crochet. Socks, mitts, sweaters, name it.

Just finished a pair of socks, finishing a baby sweater. sorry, have no pics.

Thanks. I have not tried the afterthought yet. I hope to soon though. I did try the provisional cast on(I think that's what it's called) where you crochet a chain and knit into it to start the short row toe....big FAIL! I love the short row heel/toes but can not stand holes in the turns. No matter who's method I try, I get holes, so I'm stuck for now with heel flap and the decrease toe top down and magic cast on increase toe up. I'll get it one day.... Maybe ;) love to see some pics when you get some.
Baby stuff is so cute. I know a lady that crochets Barbi clothes with that lace thread. So cool! I'm surprised Shes not blind yet.
I bought some patterns a while back for knitted and crocheted teddy bears. I may try that soon. Surely its harder than the sewn ones i make, but challenges are good sometimes. I got some really nice kid mohair yarn for it but its so nice I'm afraid to muff it up. Should probably practice a lot first. Thanks all ;)
I use the "hoop thingies" also.(I so love that I am not the only person to use the word thingies when I lack the proper name!) I also crochet.

I just can't get the tips of those needles and that slippery yarn going in the proper directions on a regular basis. I also have arthritis in my hands now, so those knitting needles aren't super easy to hold onto.

If your daughter wants to stick with the knitting looms, I suggest you start looking at the Knitting Board products.(I am not being paid by them in any fashion, whatsoever.) They have a sock loom and other size looms. The distance between pegs is less, so no need to double every yarn, and it turns out a nice, smooth knit. The plastic looms start losing pegs pretty rapidly. These do not.
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Susie, I thought about those looms for her. I really like the way they look. And they seem durable. I was interested in the kb looms, I wanted to get her the one that makes afghans, and then there's an all-in-one, but no, she says she'd be 80 by the time she made a blanket. And she is attached to her plastic loom from Walmart. Yea that sock loom caught my eye for her and she was like, " why? You can knit me socks!" She smart( in all the annoying ways).
Thanks. I have not tried the afterthought yet. I hope to soon though. I did try the provisional cast on(I think that's what it's called) where you crochet a chain and knit into it to start the short row toe....big FAIL! I love the short row heel/toes but can not stand holes in the turns. No matter who's method I try, I get holes, so I'm stuck for now with heel flap and the decrease toe top down and magic cast on increase toe up.
super technical knitting, but she discusses short rows with no holes.

I've never done afterthought either, but it used to be popular because you could replace just the heel as it is the area that wears fastest.

I'll try to get some photos posted.