Hoping for a Christmas Present...

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Sep 19, 2011
Reaction score
Southern California
My son in law might have an interview for a job today or tomorrow. What a fantastic present this would be for all of us. Son-in-Law in all lowercase above because I am totally irked at him. He needs to learn how to take care of his family. He is in a tough industry (asphalt and concrete) but also has a commercial class A license.
Commercial class A? You mean like 18 wheeler? Companies are practically begging for drivers. I'd rather drive coast to coast than work asphalt and concrete. Did concrete once and roofing once. That was enough to motivate me to something else. Good luck.
I agree with Dennis. My BIL is a truck driver. He does local (in state) but they're always looking for cross country drivers. I hope things go well for you and your family.
My friend owns a concrete company here, husband worked for him after he graduated when he was looking for IT work. Hard work but boy did he ever get buff!
Good luck to him and your whole family!!! [emoji173]️