Hi, I'm Tracey!

Soapmaking Forum

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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2007
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Let's see...

I'm a single, native Detroiter, with no children. I'm a bridal consultant/wedding planner. I've been a consumer of all-natural, handmade soap for awhile now.I usually purchase at art/craft fairs and heath food/organic stores. I've just recently found so many online soapmakers, and my stash has greatly increased! I have so much soap, I don't know what to do with it all. I could start a store, with just my "inventory".

Anyhow, I figured since I love handmade soap so much, I need to learn to make it. My eventual goal (I'm not going to start selling soap next week!) is to have my own soapmaking business. I've been reading soap books, doing online research, and asking questions and just getting a feel for all of it.

I purchased my business domain name (again, I'm not planning to sell soap right now), and I'm havin a blog site designed, that will include a store and shopping cart (when I sell down the road).

I'm a very nice person, and I have no desire to steal secrets/recipes/cars, or get free business advice, or anything else like that. I just wanna learn, and be around people who are doing what I want to do. That's all.

Thanks for letting me join, and hopefully I can be a blessing to you all!

Also known as "NEA" or "NappilyEvahAftah".
Hi there!

We are friendly here, don't worry. We are not planning to accuse you of stealing recipes or getting buisness ideas for free. I think it is great you want to sell soap when & if the time is right. Sounds like you might have had your head bitten off elsewhere on the web. We don't bite here, welcome aboard!-Tabitha

Thanks for the welcome, ladies!

@dragonfly princess:
I'll try to make it, but saturday is "bride" day. I'll see if I can get out of the salon a bit early.
I see you made it ok NEA... we talked a few times already, its nice to finally meet a fellow soaping sista!

We are here to help the best we can!

Welcome, welcome Tracey! :D You seem to be such a very nice person, so willing to learn, it makes my heart glad to see the energy you are putting out trying to learn the soapmaking arts! 8) We are very willing to help. I make milk based soaps only. I started doing CP goat milk soap 2-1/2 years ago and never looked back! Glad you found our friendly growing soapin family!
Look forward to many enjoyable comments from you over the next few years to come!

Paul.... :wink:

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