help unmolding from plastic yogurt containers

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Apr 5, 2018
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I use small plastic yogurt containers for my excess CP soap (that includes sodium lactate) that doesn't fit into the "nice" molds. I wait 7 days, put in the freezer for 20 minutes, but it still sticks to the bottom and was a lumpy mess. I'll just use it for personal use but am wondering if you have any tricks to unmold it neatly?
freeze them longer, they need to be hard if they stick that bad. Another option is to "very" lightly oil the inside of the container with mineral oil or vaseline.
Freeze it, then run hot water over the container. If you can get one side to separate from the side of the container, try to get a bit of water in the gap, then gentle smoosh it around.

Wear gloves - the soap will dry your hands!
Freeze them for 2 hours, run hot water over them, set them upside down and push on the bottom with your palm. If they don't come out, lay a couple hot pads on the counter and bang them upside down on the hot pads to keep from hurting your counter. I make round soaps in individual pvc caps and they need to be banged. I agree with obsidian to oil them lightly. Since you probably keep eating yogurt they could be considered disposable and you could cut them off.
All of the above works for me, but usually I don't have any trouble getting them out of the smaller rounded yogurt containers, and I've only ever had to bang them on the counter a couple of times.
Sometimes I leave them until they’re ready. In my experience soap shrinks every so slightly as it cures. In an individual mold like a reused container I just let it do its thing and it will pop out usually happens a ton faster if you let the soap gel
Not sure if this has been mentioned before... But if you're looking for inexpensive CP molds, milk cartons work great, especially the 1 quart size. When your soap has set and is ready for unmolding, just tear off the carton, starting at the seam. It should spiral right down for you. The soap never sticks to the mold because the cartons are line on the inside. If you use the 1 qt size, this technique gives a nice soap loaf that can be put on its side and cut into bars. When I started making soap, we'd collect half & half cartons from a local coffee shop. They saved them for us and we had an unlimited supply of free molds. A good rinse or three with hot water cleans out all the milk and milk fat, and the cartons are ready to use.

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