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Jun 2, 2013
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I'm fairly new to soap making, but I'm totally addicted and obsessed with it already!! I've made about 6 batches of soap in the last month. I have been using the oven processing method because I'm too impatient to wait!! :shifty:

The last 2 batches I made, I added raw shea butter to it along with the other oils. They come out nice and it's great soap, but it appears to have a mottled look to it, like bits of shea butter re-clumped together when it "cooked". I don't have this problem with any of the other recipes I've created.

Here's a picture of my latest soap that had this issue.....Blue Moon Beer Soap. It also gets foamy looking bubbles on top (appropriate for the beer soap though). I'm guessing that's maybe from it cooking too long?


beer soap.jpg
It is overheating. Make regular CP or HP and you shouldn't have that issue.

CPOP doesn't really make it ready "right away". It still needs to cure.
Did you cook out the alcohol before using it to make soap? Beer has a quite a bit of sugar in it and that will add to overheating issues, as well.
Nice looking soaps, btw. I like the colours and will have to give the beer a try too. ;-)
Thanks for the replies! I did boil the alcohol out of the beer first, and let it sit for a couple days to get the carbonation out of it. It wasn't the beer that caused the was the shea butter. I had the same effect on a different bar that I used 25% shea butter in.