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Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2009
Reaction score
Bristol, UK
Hello! I'm Rah. :) I'm 17, in my last year of school and am hoping to go onto uni to study Art Foundation.
I love making things, and recently I suddenly decided I wanted to learn to make soap, so I decided to join this forum for when I inevitably need help.

I haven't actually tried making soap yet, but I have researched it and bought this book http://www.amazon.co.uk/Handmade-Soap-B ... 1859740065 to get me started. Unless I imagined it (I can't actually re-find the part of the book which said this) all the methods in that book are Cold Process. Do you think that is a good place for me to start? Or would you recommend a different way?
Any other advice for a newb. like me?

Anyway, thanks in advance for any replies and advice. I am actually ridiculously excited about this. :eek:
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Welcome! So glad you've joined us!

Personally, my favorite method is CP.
Thank you very much!
And thank you for the link, Tabitha. That's sure to help me out loads. :)

A big welcome Rah and I wish you all the best with getting into Art Foundation at Uni.
I think there is a gene for soapmaking that lies dormant in humans but once activated can only be quelled with a frontal lobotomy.
So get ready for the carnival of soap ride in your life.

I have not been making soap for very long. Before I started, I did a ton of online reading. One of the first sites I found, and one which has some helpful video links at the bottom of the page, is this one:

http://candleandsoap.about.com/od/coldp ... cpsoap.htm

It's an easy step-by-step guide with good pics. I had my laptop by my side as I made my first CP batch, with this site up for guidance. It was great.
Welcome Rah

Like Surf Girl I am new to soapmaking and spent a TON of time online checking it out. I also bought several books on Soapmaking. One I like is the Soapmakers Companion. Lots of recipes in there and good instructions. I also joined some mailing lists from Soapamaking suppliers and get recipes from by email.

A word of warning!!! Once you make soap you will NEVER be able to stop!!!!
Wow, thanks guys for all the lovely welcomes and the links. I have faved them already for easy access! :)

Starduster - I agree! The desire to make soap sprung on me so suddenly, I think it must have been there all along. I was Chrismas shopping and I saw a bath bomb shaped like a cupcake (I have an obsession with cupcakes and cupcake-shaped things.) and thought "RIGHT, I AM LEARNING TO MAKE THESE!"

Jody - Thanks for advice. And if that's the case, I have a feeling my local hardware shop will be seeing a lot of me! I bought some caustic soda from there yesterday and accidentally drew a small crowd of staff who were all looking at me as though I was mad because I said I wanted to make SOAP out of it. :?
They did offer me some 'soda crystals' though and said they would be more suitable. Does anyone know anything about those?

Anyway thanks again! <3
I dunno what soda crystals are... (maybe they are just lye crystals? Is it pure NaOH?)

I can totally relate to your hardware store experience. When I was shopping for my first soap supplies, I was so darn excited I did indeed mention to anyone who was scratching their head over my ingredient queries that I was going to make SOAP. They all looked at me as if I was a nutbar.
WElcome! I tried to buy lye from a local hardware store and they offered me Lye soap! I started laughing saying I wanted to MAKE soap not buy it! :D
Welcome, I love CP have tried MP and HP and CP is my love. I do recomend trying them all and seeing what you like. Also start in smaller batches to try recipies and scents, saves money.

Surf Girl - I don't think they were NaOH at all, but the man said they were what people used to make bath crystals out of, or something like that. I tried reading the packet but it didn't say anything really =/

Again, thanks for the advice and welcomes guys :)
Those Crystals

Epsom Salts I think, :idea:
Our Rural supplies has it. People buy it for the magnesium for aches
I was the on further serching found that can also deplete the Vitamin D in our bodies which cause ather stuff. :shock:
All things in Moderation again I supose. :lol: