Greetings from Virginia

Soapmaking Forum

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Aug 5, 2012
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I just wanted to drop in and introduce myslef and say "Hi." I've visiting this forum several times, but have never posted, and I thought it was time to join.

I have been making soap for a number of years and have never varied from my original recipe. My recipe was handed down from a dear friend of mine who has made her own soap and marketed it successfully for many years. I am so very, very thankful for her generosity in passing her recipe down to me.

My main reason for learning to make soap was to get away from all the chemicals and toxic garbage in store bought soap, not to mention the fact that it just does NOT smell good. I use natural ingredients. I don't use any fragrance oils, only essential oils, and I make many of these myself from things I grow on my property. I have never sold my soap, just giving it away to friends and family, so I was never overly concerned about it being "pretty." However, I have seen some soaps out there that are simply grand masterpieces - truly beautiful works of art !!! And I do envy those of you who can make those gorgeous soaps.

Anyway, I just thought that I "might" try my hand at trying to make some "prettier" soap and possibly learn some new tricks and tips.

Thanks for having me and am looking forward to joining in.
Hello! I'm from VA too :)

I haven't been around here in a while because I couldnt figure out how to .....

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