Good Lavender FO?

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Jul 24, 2014
Reaction score
Encinitas, CA
Hello, all. I am in the thick of making Christmas soaps, and need to find a good, well-sticking lavender FO for one. I have searched here, but most of the relevant threads are about EOs, and I want to use an FO (apologies in advance to the EO purists.) In particular, if anyone has used a lavendar FO from BB or NDA (good or bad) would you chime in? I would like to place orders with both of them for other things; if I end up just drawing straws it probably will be from one of these suppliers so would rather avoid the short straw if there is one lurking in the, um, straw thickets.
I have only used the one from Lone Star candle and that’s the one I have reordered time and again. I did try one from Wsp (a budget version they had) and did not like it, too generic, more floral than lavender.
Thanks, Glenda. I almost never order from the candle places unless I am really desperate because there are so few reviews from soapmakers, so glad to have this one. Any others that are good and stick well from Lone Star by any chance?
Another one that I normally reorder from them is peppermint. I also really like their “peaches and cream” and “piña colada”. However; I have not checked the new IFRA % for those since the latest revision, so I do not know if they are still skin safe at 5%
So their pina colada is no longer soap safe, but their pina colada paradise is. The other FO’s I mentioned still have the 49th amendment listed, not the 50th though.
Thanks, Glenda. B/t/w, I realized I had found your blog about a week ago in a search for something, I don't even remember what now. I really like it, it is very well written and interesting! I guess I already subscribed to that, but just subscribed to your youtube channel as well. They both have a lot of good content.