Goats Milk Question

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Well-Known Member
Mar 24, 2008
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The local grocery store has 12oz can of evaporated Goats Milk. Can I just freeze this directly or do I need to dilute, then freeze.

Any help will be much appreciated.

Thanks ! :)
Ms. Lindy, all I would need to do is add the lye in small amounts to the frozen goats milk right? I wouldn't need to any any additional water to this would I?
Dana thanks for that link - it is exceptional!

Craftgirl I have used it evaporated/canned milks full strength. So I just add my lye slowly with the lye milk container in an ice bath. I like what I saw in that video though and I might try that next time.
If you didn't want to make an all goatsmilk batch, you can dissolve the lye in water and add cold condensed goatsmilk after adding the lye water to the oils or at very early trace. My go to recipe calls for 14 oz of total liquid and I dissolve the lye in 8 oz of water and then add 6 oz of cold condensed goatsmilk right after combining the oils and lye water then start stick blending. I like this method a lot because I don't have to freeze the goatsmilk or worry about burning or scorching the milk like when you add lye directly to the goatsmilk. Just wanted to throw that out in case you wanted another option for using the condensed goatsmilk. Good luck! I adore goatsmilk soaps! :-D
Oops I didn't even look at the video before I posted...it suggested the same thing I just did :oops: only with a more concentrated lye/water solution. Sorry!
I learned a lot from that video. The whole Candle and Soap About.com site is a great resource. I am always checking it for various bits of information. Their tutorials are clear and easy, and their information is really helpful.