Frustration with tattoo products

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2013
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Please, I'm so not trying to offend anyone at all, however I have a pet peeve with so called 'tattoo soap and products'. Being an heavily tattooed woman, I'm approached a lot by people making these kinds of products wanting my opinion or wanting to give me products to review. I'll be frank, it irritates the bejesus out of me that so many people with either no experience with tattoos (someone told them they should capitalize on this very 'in the now' market) or someone with a new 'sleeve' (and they are experts now-again no offense) is making and selling these products that could potentially really hurt someone's healing wounds. Because that's what tattoos are. They are open wounds/injuries. My 20 year old step son got his only infection ever from using so called 'tattoo' products bought at a craft fair (do young kids ever listen lol) Should you be putting bath and body products in open wounds? NO! I'm finding lotion being sold for tattoos, creams, soaps... Someone recently told me a girl told them her tattoo ink didn't come out when she use their soap... They were a lovely couple and very sweet and they asked me to try their soap. I was honest with them about my feelings and they didn't seem to understand, this 'ONE' person said it was great for her ONE tattoo... If they knew anything about tattoos they would know that 'ink coming out' has everything to do with the artist and type of skin of the client and not the soap used. Anyone heavily tattooed that I know uses nothing to help heal their wounds. We use nothing for at least a week then if the skin is really tight, we have just a regular unscented balm to add an occlusive layer and to stop the tattoo scab from splitting, nothing special required.... Now when I first started this tattoo project I tried these kinds of products as did my husband and other people we know and that was the only time I had a problem with healing. It took me forever to heal because I kept putting stuff in my wound ( i.e. I was inexperienced...). I realize everyone is different but I feel like so many of these 'tattoo' product makers don't really understand what a tattoo is and what tattoo aftercare really means. And when people are making these tattoo healing claims, doesn't that make it a drug?
Whit 10 years of experience as a health care worker I can say with all confidence that weather or not you need a product to help you heal after a tattoo is as individually based as the tattoo itself. For instance you may be more healthy than the next person receiving a tattoo thus you need no assistance in wound healing, your skin may already be at an optimum level of hydration thus you need no extra moisture to keep the area from scabing, but trust me this is not always the case. Yes people do and put some very dumb stuff on their tattoo but they generally do this because their was a problem to begin with. What I can tell you is that it is very smart to apply antibiotic ointment for the first 3 days after you receive a tattoo, one this is purely preventive as contamination can occur just because. In addition, 20 year old are much more active then say 45 year olds and their open wound/ tattoo can become infective due to daily activity such as excess sweat production from workin out which causes dirt to get into their wound, thus exposing them to infection creating pathogens. For this age group there is a very good product called Landerm which will cover the area like skin and give them extra protection needed to stay safe. Education is really the key here so there are some very good tattoo magic products out there it is all about knowing how and when they are applicable and following the golden rule when it comes to your health, "BETTER SAFE THAN SORRY!" If not I will see you in ER when you do get an infection and just in case people wonder yes we are at the desk laughing at the stupid things people do, LOL. KINDA A JOKE BUT NOT REALLY, PLEASE NO ONE TAKE OFFENSIVE! :razz:
Elmtree, my tattoo experience is practically nil. But from reading your account, it sounds like your experience (your early tattoo that would not heal) has you upset and you are wanting to spare others from the same experience. Whenever you have those people approach you, tell them your experience. It may spare someone a lot of grief. And if they do not listen, at least you know you have done your part.
I suppose I should have just called this a rant lol. Really, I was just frustrated because I was selling at a craft fair and saw these types of products being sold by several people with absolutely no knowledge (or very limited) of tattoos! And yes, I would have to agree that the only thing that should be put on tattoos for at least the first week is antibiotic ointment. I would like to spare someone any pain from using products that have no benefit, and can potentially cause harm and that haven't actually been researched and proven safe and effective for open wounds.
I'm not tattooed at all, but I agree that they are open wounds and should be treated exactly as such. But it IS the newest bandwagon to jump on, and it's scary.
I'm not tattooed at all, but I agree that they are open wounds and should be treated exactly as such. But it IS the newest bandwagon to jump on, and it's scary.

Yes it is Pamielynn. I try to educate people as much as possible on my business page and when I hear of someone interested in products like these.