frustrated... bf says soap making is too dangerous

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Sunflwrgrl, it is easy to see why you thought she was talking about you, her post followed yours & was about the same things. That would have been my asumption too. Was back on page 1 I thought Ian was making a negative comment about my previous comments as well & I am not even pregnant :lol: .
This post is not related to the sunflwrgrl soapyagl post above.

We do need to make sure we are nice to one another when we post. Always remember the SMF Golden Rule:

1 - The Soap Making Forum will not tolerate obscene, racist or sexually explicit language. Personal attacks are not permitted. We reserve the right to remove posts that are abusive, hateful, or defame or insult anyone. We also reserve the right to remove message board posts that are off-topic or not in English.

There are a couple posts above that were rude & have been deleted. I do not see a need to point out who is being deleted or why. If your comment was removed it is because it was an insult with no other greater productive purpose.

Thank you for helping us make the SMF the frienliest soap makers forum on the net!
:D typed words only give so much for interpretation online...thats why i try to include smileys...kind of sets the mood of the post...though i wish we had more!!! :)
I used to be on a forum (I actually got banned... 8) ) that had rockin smileys. There were at least 50.
If DH comes in while I am soaping, I just say "Danger, Will Robinson". (We watched the same programs as kids) He puts his hands up and walks out. When I take a break, I yell "hot kitchen" and he stays out.
Sometimes my husband or I will say that. It's hysterical that someone else does too!
The forum software here is kind of retarded but the nice people and pleasant atmosphere make up for it. :)
Apparently the thread OP has made no further posts. Might be a good idea to wait and see what the OP has to say about the thread topic, conversation and replies.
sunflwrgrl7 said:
SoapyGal - I humbly apologize. I thought since some of the words I had used were in your post, that it was directed at me, and I am very sorry I misunderstood.

You are right, I should have checked first, that was my mistake.

I'm almost 7 months pregnant and I was very tired last night, I was easily upset and terribly moody (the pregnancy hormones do not help!). I shouldn't have posted at that time at all. I hope you except my apology. :(

(And I'm apologizing publicly because I want everyone to know I was wrong for responding the way I did.)


No worries. Thank you for your apology. I can remember what it was like at the 7-month point.... I understand completely.

Now -- let's go make some soap!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

wwwweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

I PM'd you very specific details of how I started with CP soaping. I had done MP soap for years, but wanted to make my own. It took me actually DOING it to MAKE a routine to set me at ease.

My DH doesn't even worry anymore, but he knows my rule about staying out of my way and be quiet while I'm soaping. For a long time I only soaped when he was away, but promised I would let nothing interrupt me -- no answering the phone or door and no kids or pets in the house or coming home soon.

The more I did it, the more I was prepared for the inevitable to happen, and I personally think it happens to most everyone sooner or later. Better to go ahead and SOAP carefully to 'get used' to the motions, if you will.

Good Luck!
Tabitha said:
If DH comes in while I am soaping, I just say "Danger, Will Robinson". (We watched the same programs as kids) He puts his hands up and walks out. When I take a break, I yell "hot kitchen" and he stays out.
Sometimes my husband or I will say that. It's hysterical that someone else does too!

LOL! I need to remember that. That's hysterical!
whoa... no idea.

So I had no idea that my post would generate so much response or have quite so much read into it as it did. I always think that it is interesting how quickly people now run to defend what appears to be a "woman in trouble" in a relationship (30 years ago, it would not have happened), and it just shows that society as a whole has progressed tremendously.

So let me explain the irrational fear. Yes, he does fear that I'll burn my face and be disfigured as I am what the old folks would call a "comely girl". However, the fear runs a bit deeper than that. Let me explain.

Our house is his house. He bought it straight out of college. Now he is flipping a house across town and due to some bad people and bad circumstances, he lost a bit of money on it (so far), but good people are working on it right now and all is better. This has, however, put us in a financial situation that is VERY tight and I am a full-time student. I am going to have to take on a full-time job to get us through this thing which is financially VERY bad. He pays all the bills for the house (as well as the other house) and I pay for my bills (phone, car, insurance) and our groceries plus whatever else is needed. It just works best this way for us. My income is necessary, but it is mostly necessary for me personally. Now that the whole house thing has happened, my income has become more necessary.

He "forbid" me to do it because he did not want anything to happen to the primary house, which is pretty much our most secure investment right now (I do count houses as mostly liabilities, not investments, but this one has appreciated and is securing other funds). He is sick with worry about the whole financial situation that we are squeaking through. If all goes well, we will make money, pay back loans and I won't have to work full-time for the rest of school. If all goes crappy, we are up the creek without a paddle so to speak.

That is where he gets the ability to "forbid", because it is his house and also because I love him so much and really worry about what all of this fretting and worrying is doing to his health. Basically, if it is going to stress him out that bad, I do not want to introduce it into his life yet, and he sees soaping as very stressful. Trust that I do enough other crafting to keep our house in a constant state of crafters chaos. We can't even eat on the kitchen table because of my poly clay addiction, my sewing machine and the piles of origami paper.

I'm sure that in the future, I will get to soap with the best of them, but I really do not want to add stress to a situation that is already so hard. With school starting in a month, me interning in Kuaii for 10 days and starting a new job when I come home, there will be enough stress to go around for all. Soaping is just moving to the back burner.

No, the boyfriend is not "evil" for "telling me what to do". A lot of relationships are full of compromise. Yes, he has even questioned my competence in the past, and then I not only succeeded, but did it with grace. He doesn't question like that anymore. I'm taking chemistry this semester, so I'm using it as my excuse to make soap.

I'm sorry that I've written you a book, but after reading the responses, I figured that I had to write something long like that. I just don't understand why it is that everything in my life is this way; that by simply existing I tend to attract a TON of completely unwanted attention. I just wanted some other housewives to commiserate with me and tell me that it would be okay, he would get over it, and maybe share a story or two. I wasn't expecting a feminist call to arms followed by people insulting each other. I am thankful that the moderator erased whatever that was that was so insulting before I saw it. It would have upset me to know that someone was getting insulted because of a thread that I started.

I wanted to say "thank you" to the lovely lady who sent me a private message with her soaping tips in it, I found it very very helpful and it is actually what made me come back to the forum to check the thread. I want to chastise anyone who has made too many assumptions. (You know what they say about assumptions hehehehe). Mostly I found it very interesting to read all of the different perspectives.

So yes, I did feel the need to come on here and explain my whole relationship. I feel odd doing that, but the post caused such a fuss, I felt like I had to. Now that you all know way too much about my personal business, I'm not going to post again until I have pictures of my first batch. That may be a while, so don't expect the posting to happen soon, I'm coming to the end of the season where I can start new hobbies and such and it could be next summer before anything can happen.

Best wishes, soapers!!! Thank you for the useful bits of information, I will definitely add it to my body of knowledge.
my hubby would never try to control me. he knows it just wont happen. But this is MY house, so maybe that is why.

ok, I heat up the oils in the kitchen, BUT then when they are hot they are moved into the garage where the lye solution is on the workbench and the garage door is half open. My hubby works on cars so he gave me one of his masks with filters and all. covers my whole face. Looks just like a gas mask, but I cant smell a thing. not even the scents until it is off. I do only keep the garage door half open though, otherwise the neighbors would probally call the cops if they saw me working on "something" with that mask on, not to mention the gloves, apron, etc. lol My neighbors are all elderly and no doubt they would think we were doing something illegal. lol. if you are really careful, it is really not dangerous, just be smart about it.