I get that. We had a

load of snow last year & FREEZING temperatures like close to -20º.....I should have been out there hiking, snowshoeing etc, but just couldn't bring myself to get out there most days. I chose my wood stove over moving my body....and put on approximately 20 pounds. Doesn't sound like much to some people, but I noticed a lot of differences in my body this year as a result. I have also dealt with chronic pain during periods of my life, which resulted in me getting out of the house far less than normal. I don't do gyms, detest them, but I do love sweating like a donkey outdoors
I recently came across a doctor who spent ZERO time talking to me - didn't even look me in the face for the first 15 minutes I was in his examining room - just looking at what previous doctors had said in my file (not much info at all as I recently moved, so none of them know me at all) - not asking me any questions, and who then turned around to face me for the purpose of making all sorts of statements based on....??

The man doesn't know me, knows nothing about what I eat, my sleeping patterns, the supplements I take, my daily habits, whether or not I have any major stress in my life, if I get much exercise, not even if I drink much water, nothing. Not even the basics. I'm old enough to remember when doctors asked these questions. This is the norm now when it comes to doctors' behaviour with their patients, as I hear from many people, not the exception.
Needless to say, I have not been back & will not go back. I went home & solved my own issue after doing more reading & experimentation.
Sugar does cause this type of inflammation in the body, especially when this has been a life-long thing for someone, believe it. Having that craving for sugar / sweet stuff points to an imbalance in the body to begin with. And yes, I have said this before, because all symptoms (mental / emotional / physical & often spiritual) highlight imbalances in our personal 'operating systems'. No 2 people are alike, no 2 bodies are alike. I shared this before in another thread, but you may not have seen it: abchomeopathy.com
It's a 'symptom calculator', for lack of any better term I can come up with right now. Even if you don't go the route of homeopathy to treat yourself, looking at the many very detailed symptoms here might give you some insight into what you're dealing with. The calculator gives you suggestions for homeopathic remedies, which you can research so you might better understand what is going on with your body.
That truly burns my biscuits when I hear things like this, because I have had doctors cop the same attitude with me. Highly unprofessional & narrow-minded. That's one of the reasons I will choose to treat my own issues independently 95% of the time, rarely with the help of a doctor anymore. And when I do talk to doctors about issues I may be having, and mention the research I have done in terms of nutritional imbalances, I usually get a slack-jawed response, and zero intelligent words coming from their mouths. I have had only 2 specialists in the past 20 years who actually listened to me when I told them what I am doing for myself. One specifically asked for my advice in terms of plants I use & how I use them

so he could pass on the information to his other patients who were on massive doses of pain killers of various types but still in severe pain. He was a chronic pain specialist who didn't have clue regarding 'full-spectrum' plant medicine, but was very much willing to learn, and wasn't afraid to admit he knew nothing about this. This is KEY! Interesting, open minded guy who I enjoyed discussing this stuff with.
That's awesome, and I absolutely *do* understand why you'd be frustrated & in tears....but they still have not shared any possible solutions with you. I am quite sure that if you haven't been prescribed pills yet for this imbalance they have no answers for, you will be very shortly. Try discussing nutrition or vitamin / mineral deficiencies with these people, as well as orthomolecular medicine. You may get lucky & find you have a supportive doctor, which is great. If not, you can choose to treat yourself, or find a different doctor. This kind of garbage has gone on far too long. Doctors have not been doing their jobs properly for a very long time.
That is very sweet of you
Oh lord almighty, I just finished talking to my daughter-in-law who left the man she was in a relationship with because of his control issues....who are these men who think they have the right to ALLOW anything when it comes to the women in their lives? There is no reason you cannot study now, and having a degree in herbalism is NOT necessary in order to treat yourself. Many generations of people, for thousands of years, have been successfully using plant medicine. If they hadn't been, none of us would be here today. We would have died out long ago. That said, I highly recommend doing a LOT of reading, a lot of personal experimentation, a lot of looking at how various plants have been used by many cultures for thousands of years.
Yep....one of the reasons I left my husband a few years ago....and a stellar choice I made

Turns out, I bounced back physically once I left him, go figger

FYI not ONE doctor asked me about stress levels during this time, just kept trying to prescribe me pills.
No worries, my posts can get to be nosebleeds sometimes as well LOL I am always learning, always always....
3 very good books I am reading at the moment which might interest you:
• NIACIN: THE REAL STORY ~ Dr Abraham Hoffer / Andrew W Saul PhD / Harold D Foster PhD
• DMSO: Dimethylsulfoxide for Humans - Recipes & Treatment ~ Herb Richards PhD
• Native American Ethnobotany (a whopping 927 pages of *amazing* information regarding healing plants, from A-Z) ~ Daniel E Moerman
If you have any questions, feel free to DM me

I am not a doctor, but I can suggest books, plants you might want to research, websites, techniques for making your own extracts etc. I am currently using DMSO for a couple of issues I am looking after myself & finding it very VERY helpful. The DMSO book above is fairly basic, but it's a good quick reference publication. Must be careful to buy 'pharmaceutical grade' (99.99% pure) DMSO

and do a lot of reading before delving into this so you're aware of how to properly use it.
Good luck with all