First HP in progress!

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Jul 31, 2011
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I'm currently making my first HP soap (and hanging out here to pass the time). It's also my first time at using a lower water concentration (18%). So far things seem to going okay. The batch is about 2.5kg at 0% superfat. I'm rebatching another 3ish Kg into it. That batch was quite high in superfat. It was my first soap (CP) and I used a "beginners" recipe which likely had 5-10% superfat, and in any points of estimation I rounded up with the fats, and down with the lye for safety. I'm hoping it will all balance out nicely.
I did the "zap test" a few min ago, just to see what it was like when it wasn't ready. That was rather unpleasant! I'm glad I had a cup of strong coffee in reach.
Okay, I think it's time for another stir.
and done! I wish I had mixed in additions before it stiffened up... oh well, I learn best by making mistakes.
I hope you were able to stir it really, really well, otherwise you might end up with bits of lye heavy soap here and there and that's no good.
soapbuddy said:
I hope you were able to stir it really, really well, otherwise you might end up with bits of lye heavy soap here and there and that's no good.

I hope I did too :lol: . I ended up kneading in additions after it had stiffened (I have very few nerves left in my hands from years of glass blowing). So that extra step likely helped reduce that potential problem. Also I had shredded the re batched soap quite well before dumping in the new soap, so everything was well distributed without much work.
But still, if I plan on selling this I'm going to lick every square inch of each bar after cutting... that doesn't sound right :shock: ... but it's because I care.
I'm currently making my first HP soap...snip...It's also my first time at using a lower water concentration...snip...It was my first soap (CP)

But still, if I plan on selling this I'm going to lick every square inch of each bar after cutting... that doesn't sound right ... but it's because I care.

I am not sure if i am reading this wrong and i might be but it seems like you are in the very beginning of your soap making journey. if you are, then you really shouldn't sell anything you are making right now. I know they seem to be fantastic soaps and you are excited, but until you have everything you need to do to research, formulate, and legalize your self as a soap seller, please dont sell.

you might find this post very helpful:

if i am wrong and you are not a newbie to soap making, i do apologize if i came across as harsh or anything. :)
krissy said:
I am not sure if i am reading this wrong and i might be but it seems like you are in the very beginning of your soap making journey. if you are, then you really shouldn't sell anything you are making right now. I know they seem to be fantastic soaps and you are excited, but until you have everything you need to do to research, formulate, and legalize your self as a soap seller, please dont sell.

you might find this post very helpful:

if i am wrong and you are not a newbie to soap making, i do apologize if i came across as harsh or anything. :)

Yes you're reading it right. I was expecting to get a comment along those lines from at least one person. I am quite new to soaping, but I know small craft business. Also I'm aiming for a niche market where quality standards don't really exist yet (so I can set them where ever they happen to land).
Thanks for the link, I have read that already, but it's a good one. I still have much research to do on requirements in my state/city before anything can progress (time for some aging...).

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