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Well-Known Member
Mar 25, 2011
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Hi all, I just purchased some FCO for body spray, which absorbs beautifully, and was wondering how it works in soap. So I looked at my oil qualities spreadsheet and saw FCO's INS is way up there. Does this make soaping with it difficult? I think I used a little in my small test batch so I suppose I will get an answer from myself soon but wondered what you all have experienced. I am an avid Babassu user and not terribly familiar with coconut oils. Thanks!
I did an experiment with FCO at different percentages in several batches. Below is the info I wrote about it and I hope you find it helpful. BTW, I love babassu in soap, too. After all this time, my opinion is to stick with CO, PKO or babassu but if I was in a hurry for a bastile batch, I would replace some of the CO or PKF with FCO. It does seem to cut curing time.

I made the FCO experimental batches February 20, 2011. I wrote “The 100% FCO just would not trace. I finally gave up and just poured it into the mold. The 70% FCO was a little slow to trace but the last two batches traced very quickly. For the 100% and 70% batches, I took 2 oz from each and added 2 oz sea salt to see if FCO would work as a salt bar.”

I tested all the soaps after 4 weeks and after 6 weeks is when I was able to post a little more info.

The blend batch I referred to below was 30% FCO/30% OO/30% Crisco/10% Castor with 10% SF. It was very soft but did get slightly harder later. The 70% I mentioned below was 70% FCO/30% OO with 15% SF.

April 3

[quote:7u0mz901]The 100% and the blend batch had hardly any lather at all, the 70% wasn't much better and the salt bars were terrible. They felt draggy across my skin and didn't really produce any lather.

April 7

However, the 70% OO/30% FCO produced a really nice fluffy/foamy type of lather with little bubbles. It isn't slimy at all and is rock hard. I really like it. I thought it was much nicer than the bastile soap I made back in November. However, the bastile is OO/PKO. I have another high % olive bar I made back in January. It is 65% OO/25% CO/10% castor. Tomorrow I'll compare the bars when I take a shower and see if there is a difference.

Although the 70% OO/30% FCO turned out all right, I don't think I'd use FCO again in soap unless I was out of CO or PKO and really wanted to make a batch. On the other hand, I might consider another experiment. It might be interesting to try combining FCO with CO or PKO in bastile since the addition of the FCO appeared to eliminate the slippery feel of olive.

Two-three days later I posted

I used the 70% OO/30% FCO bar in the shower today. It does have excellent lather. It's not slippery and produces lots of little bubbles with a few larger ones. It's kind of a foamy lather and rinses off very easily. I've changed my mind and I've decided I really like it. I think I'll make this again. Also, it's not drying and it really cuts down on the curing time for a bastile.

Here's the info on the one batch that worked.

30% FCO/70% OO with 10% SF
Aloe juice
30% lye concentration
room temperature and set on heating pad to gel
Hardness - 40
Cleansing - 28
Conditioning - 57
Bubbly - 28
Creamy - 12

It's not drying so I think the SF is fine. However, I think I'll use cream, buttermilk or hemp milk if I try this again.
Very interesting report Hazel, great info and as always thank you!

I did use a little FCO in my batch the other night, my last attempt at a scentless soap for a person who is highly sensitive to fragrance. I told him I was experimenting with carrier oils since they have the least scent. This is one reason why I purchased FCO. I think I soaped at 20% FCO, I say think because I do not have my recipe in front of me. Then I added Babassu, canola, castor, and something else, cannot remember. Since I read your post, I am very interested how this bar will turn out. For him, I hope the soap is devoid of scent. I also made it white to hopefully jedi mind trick him into feeling it more "pure" :wink: For me, I wonder now what kind of lather this bar will have, so curious. I did not gel so I have to wait :( I have a cut on my finger when I took the soap out of the mold and got a zap! Second one in two days, I guess I have a lot of little cuts on my fingers from the gardening, been ripping stuff out. Anyways, I am two fold excited for this soap, one of course, scent and two lather.

So for FCO, I love it in my wrinkle face oil/spray. It absorbs sooooo, sooo nicely and I do not feel greasy. A very nice oil, but perhaps I will stick with my beloved Babassu in soap unless I find I FCO nice at low percentages. I love experimenting, never know what is going to happen :D

Looking forward to that salt to hold scent swap! I may have to give it a go here soon as I am dying to know the answer.
I think 20% sounds like a good percentage. If I ever try it again, I would definitely use a lower percentage. I used to use FCO for facial massage since it was so light. It also is used in some hair products so if I got a little bit in someone's hair, it was easy to wipe and didn't leave the hair greasy. I made a light lotion with FCO and was very pleased with it. It moisturized well without leaving me feeling like I had an oil slick on my skin. :lol:

I've been thinking I should soon make the soap for the salt swap. I think the longer cure would be better so the scent would either stay strong or start to fade during the time. I think it would make a more accurate test for a small amount of salt.

eta: I forgot to mention - the soap which had higher percentages of FCO came out very white so it may help a bit with making your soap whiter.
I think that is great idea about the soap swap and would more accurately reflect what we are trying to determine. Good call!

I use FCO in a face spray I use twice a day, love it. Never thought about adding it to my lotion and think I will try that.

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