EO blending ideas

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Mar 17, 2014
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Thinking of blending sandalwood, sweet orange, and cedar together. Any ideas on the ratio for this to be awesome. Thnaks
Just a reminder, cedar is known to accelerate trace and can seize a batch if used in excess. When you first try it, use a recipe that you don't mind not having swirls or patterns in - that way if you don't have time it won't really matter. If however it works well and you can keep a thin or medium trace... all the better! Remember to make notes either way, especially the oils and amounts and the eo's and amounts.

Good luck to you!
I bought an essential oil burner at my local health food store. It uses a tea light candle and has a small dish on top. When I want to test a blend, I fill the dish with water, add my EO's in the desired ratio, and let the fragrance fill the air. A tea light lasts about 3 hours, and that is a good time to tell if the blend works as expected. If not, I tweak and try again. No more guessing with toothpicks or cotton balls!

Good luck!