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I use ground orange peel in some of my soap as an exfoliant. I buy it already dehydrated and ground up. If your fruit is not going to be an exfoliant (such as the orange peel), then what purpose would it serve?
I am absolutely beginner. So I want to use my soap also as showering soap not only for hands wash when I will go eat etc. So I thought I can add some fruit and use their nutrients for skin care. If it is possible. As I said I am behinner so I need to find as much informations as is possible. I also made my first soap with grounded orange peels but cutting is not so smooth. Can it be because I used too thick wire? Thanks. 😊


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I use ground orange peel in some of my soap as an exfoliant. I buy it already dehydrated and ground up. If your fruit is not going to be an exfoliant (such as the orange peel), then what purpose would it serve?
I recently started viewing a Nordic soapers channel-Tellervo. . They were using grapefruit juice and dried peel in this soap. I can understand the peel but what of the juice would survive saponification? Or is this just label appeal?
I recently started viewing a Nordic soapers channel-Tellervo. . They were using grapefruit juice and dried peel in this soap. I can understand the peel but what of the juice would survive saponification? Or is this just label appeal?

Its label appeal for the grapefruit juice and doesn’t really add anything to the soap. It sure looks cool to think there’s juice in your soap.