Don't Look - Mars Bar Slice

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Bubbles Galore

Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2009
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Australia ... ecipe.html

I'm going to make these! :D

To give to the kids on Halloween.

I wonder if patty pans would work?

With a Malteser on top as decoration.

Of course, I could just give the kids a hygienically wrapped mini Marsbar. :roll:

I'll have to make these tonight because I started eating the Maltesers last night and if I delay, there won't be anything left. :D


Very yummy. :D
Is Malteser a malted milk ball? crunchy malt stuff in the middle?

These look so good! I also see a missing piece... :p umm, at my house there would be several missing pieces LOL ...
Yes, Maltesers are malted milk balls that melt in your mouth because it's all aerated malty stuff inside. Missing piece? What missing piece? :D
Bubbles Galore said:
Yes, Maltesers are malted milk balls that melt in your mouth because it's all aerated malty stuff inside. Missing piece? What missing piece? :D

yum I love those. we have those here called "whoppers"! easy to eat the whole box before you even notice!
Mmmm, like your soap Jenny - ooopps, I mean your mars bar slice with the missing piece :lol: . Now, can I have a piece ? You could probably make it with that caramel in a can with some melted chocolate to save on the cost of mars bars.
:shock: OMG....Good thing I dont know what 'golden syrup' is, or I would be making these tomorrow
Golden syrup is a British thing, it's basically caramelised sugar syrup. Really thick and sticky. I imagine you could substitute with honey or corn syrup.
:shock: OMG!!

You evil enablers! :lol::lol:

Now I have to go to Wally-World..I feel weight coming on as I type.

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