Do you soap in the rain?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2012
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Ok, not literally out in the rain...

I just got all my new fragrances from Peak, but it is supposed to storm like crazy here for the next few days. I live in a hot humid climate, and even indoors with the a/c on the humidity makes a difference in how the temperature feels. Has anyone noticed an effect on the soap? I do CPHP, but will the soap be more sticky or anything? Should i wait for nicer weather?

I soaped CP last Sunday and my soap was only ready to cut today - Friday. I would normally cut 2 days later. We have had torrential rain here since then and when the soap came out it has been quite sticky, thats my only problem.
All of my soaping has been done on the Oregon Coast. We get a lot of rain here. I haven't noticed anything particularly negative about my soap.
I live in southeastern WA state, hot, dry, arid desert. Today it poured down rain. I made salt soaps and they are already sweating. I've never seen them sweat before, except when I took some Mazatlan with me on vacation.
Wanted to say that I find difficult to hold the umbrella and stick blender at the same time.

Soap prefers dryness, but if you soap today and it rains through next week, it will be the same result.
Fragola said:
Wanted to say that I find difficult to hold the umbrella and stick blender at the same time.

A faithful soaper would have the umbrella duct taped to the stick blender ;)

It's been raining here in WI for days and I've soaped every day of them. But, it's a cold rain, so there won't be any sweating issues.

Now, if you normally mix your lye outside, then the rain might affect you.
I soap in the rain, but soaps don't like humidity so I cure and store my soaps where it's dry (yes, I use a dehumidifier).
i live on a peninsula in VA (Newport news) and live very close to the James river. I have noticed that on the humid days my soap does sweat some... but never bad.

I am going to try a dehumidifyer. I think that would work quite well!!
LOL @ fragola and genny :lol:

Thanks to all for the replies; I have never had sticky or sweaty soap, but if I have to wait for nicer weather it will probably be next winter before I make soap, and that doesn't work for me at all! Hopefully now I can carve out some time this weekend, those new fragrances are calling to me...

p.s. I do usually mix my lye solution outside because of the nasty fumes, but I have a covered porch for that, or I can always do it in the garage.
Soaping in the Rain

I am with Moonblossom, and live in WA. I wouldn't do anything if I wasn't willing to do it in the rain, especially soaping! Although we don't have that humidity problem that most states have.
Yup, can't let a little bit of rain stop you from making soap!
I did today. Its not pouring but just drizzling off and on and humid. If I waited for the perfect weather (sunny, no rain, no wind, and temps around 70), I'd only really be able to soap about 10 days a year and I want to do it more often than that :D
Exactly! Pouring rain off and on today, thundering... and a transparent soap recipe (I hope! I want it to be soap and not a big gooey mess) is in the crockpot cooking now.
My soaps can get droplets on them if it's toooo crazy humid but yes I would still soap in the rain. The drops are just sticky and they dry up or wipe right off.
This was a totally new (to me) method and soap type (transparent), so I am not sure how much the humidity contributed, but they are just a little bit more sticky than usual. A week or two and I am sure they will be just fine tho (she says hopefully while crossing her fingers) :)

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