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Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2012
Reaction score
Central Louisiana
I saw a couple of vendors listed at an event at a local farm that looked interesting, maybe like some of the CP soaps and body products that ppl around here make. So I tried to look them up and see their products. Neither are from around here. One is from Cananda??? They say that they use mainly certified organic 'Soya' oil. :eh:Soybean:eh: Wonder why they don't just say soybean, not soya. Is that just a canadian thing? No ingredients listed on any of the soaps on their website. I hope to make it to the market. But if theirs is just mainly soybean then it won't work for camparisons to my own bars as mine are olive based.

Do you know this maker?
The other vendor looks like they have neat stuff though. But no CP soaps. I may have to get a bar from someone around here to make sure mine are as good as we believe they are LOL. I will be your 'tester' if you need one! :p
I don't know them and have honestly never heard of them. They're going a little crazy with the healing & stuff. :rolleyes:
I have not heard of them! Genny is right, they are making a lot of claims.
Wow, they've sure got the healing touch in every bottle and bar :) I don't know about their soap making but their marketing department is working overtime.
"...soya oil most like that found in the human body." I had no idea I was made of soya bean oil. :lolno:

Oh, but you are! LOL And I totally missed going to the market tonight. I didn't even remember until it was too late. I was having fun making baby soap, so oh well. And it doesn't have any human soya oil either :Kitten Love: Hahaha!

Wait I got it! If you eat a lot of soy you create human soy oil.....
AngelMomma, I'll send you some of mine...IF you don't mind giving me some honest feedback!! I've never had a fellow soapmaker critique my soaps, so that would be some useful info I'd like to have. :smile: