Do you know of a colorless Lilac?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 4, 2008
Reaction score
Midwest, USA
I sell A LOT of Lilac. (usually BB's Lilac, but I am starting to really like WSP's Lilac in Bloom in my MP) I have used a few others, but these sell best for me...

ANYWAY, Has anyone ever used a CLEAR Lilac? Every brand I have ever tried is a yellow/orange shade. It works OK in MP, as I only need a tiny bit for a good scent...But it gives my CP a yellow tint...

Any clear Lilac's anyone? Thanks!

Edited because I wanted to point out, that I DO NOT use WSP Lilac for CP, it seizes faster and harder than ANY other FO I have ever used!
I just got a pound of lilac from either Tradewinds or Soap Supplies and I think it was clear. I'll check and report back tomorrow. I should not take much of a water discount then using Lilac FO's then? OK

I have been working with about a 38% solution and doing RTCP. I have never had a problem with BB's Lilac seizing. But to save a bit of money, I have been using WSP's Lilac for MP. I tried to use the WSP in a batch, (RTCP & 35% solution) And it got solid faster than ANY other CP soap I have EVER done! It was insane! In under 1 minute (NO kidding!) I was packing the soap into the mold with a piece of wood trying to smooth it out! But it seems I have had this problem (with seizing) with EVERY WSP FO I have purchased. :x Still testing tho!
i have used tony's and it turned tan and one time the purple swirls morphed to a mold green. i save it for lotions.

i have had much better luck with the antique lilac from simple soothings.

i think they all like to move fast, it is a floral afterall, :lol:

i use 100% goats milk in my soaps and no matter how i make this it heats up in the mold but still the base part is creamy color, not stark white but i can live with it. maybe if i used some td in there it might be lighter.
