Disposing of soap that goes wrong?

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Active Member
Dec 12, 2008
Reaction score
Glasgow, Scotland
I've just made an attempt at my 3rd batch of soap. My first and second went without a hitch so I'm a bit dissapointed that I've managed to mess this one up. Basically, what happened is entirely my own fault. When I poured the lye into the oils, it was at the right temperature so I presumed that was okay, but now I think about it, I don't think the crystals were dissolved properly because my mixture is very grainy and I can predict will probably never trace. (Never mind, I'll try again tomorrow.) But I'm not really sure what to do with the mix. Obviously I gotta chuck it out, but I don't really know if I should put it inside something or what to put it in more to the point. Do I just throw it in the bin or do I have to put something in it to neutralise it? Sorry if this is a daft question, but I can get a bit panicky :p

I think I read somewhere to line a shoebox with a trashbag (or two) and a layer of baking soda, then the raw soap batter, then more baking soda, etc. until it's no longer liquidy.. final layer of baking soda and seal the bag up. Let it sit for a week or so to absorb and maybe saponify before chunking it??
That's great, thanks. Cos it's not mixed properly, the lye water is just sitting on top of the oils, so I really don't know how well this is gonna work :p

Should be a laugh anyway, I think I'll wait till my boyfriend gets back from work, he can be sensible sometimes.
I think cat litter would work well to absorb the lye water too - I'd still use baking soda along with it though, to neutralize...
Lil Outlaws said:
I'd still use baking soda along with it though, to neutralize...

Cat litter wouldn't do anything except absorb the excess liquid, your lye would remain.

Sodium Bicarbonate - baking soda, is a base.
It will not neutralize Sodium Hydroxide, also a base.
You need to neutralize a base with an acid.
The easiest acid to use would be acetic acid - vinegar.
Good point.. maybe vinegar soaked cat litter???

I only had one batch go bad, but it was still "ok" enough to saponify.. so IDK what to do with one that's still runny..
Waste disposal

Take to your waste disposal location; you may have to pay a fee but it'll be properly disposed of. Just let them know what it is.

I can't say if it's safe to rebatch unless you could get the extra lye to saporifly with additional oils, but I don't know if that's possible. Hopefully someone with more experience will chime in.
well it's safe to rebatch if you know how much oil you are short - otherwise you are just shooting in the dark.

you can grind it up or shred it (wear gloves!!!) and cook it with the oils you were short. works fine if you know how much you need to add - otherwise who knows...
It's not that I'm short of oils, the lye did not dissolve fully with the water before I added it (My own fault :p) I think I'll just chuck it anyway.

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