Daily Gratitude

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I'm grateful for...
... getting back to flying after a five month hiatus due to health problems.
... my boyfriend, my best friend in life.
... the abundance of local and organic groceries here in LA.
... my spacious house. A backyard AND a garage? Wow!
... the natural beauty that surrounds me: mountains, oceans, exotic plants and birds.
Today I'm VERY grateful for my handy, can-repair-anything, husband who successfully removed the 2 ft profile of an erect penis from our ceiling, lol. We developed a leak in our roof a while back and the water ran down our skylight, puddled in the drywall and paint, then bulged out in the shape of very large erect penis (with testicles, no less). At first it was really funny but as it grew (haha), it just became embarrassing. Especially since it was right in view of anyone walking in the front door. So today I'm thankful I don't have to explain to anyone coming to my house why I have a large penis on my ceiling!
Haha, Krista! That's just too hilarious but happy for you that it's taken care of :).
I am super grateful today for the package I received in the mail from a fellow forum member. This person has been keeping up with me and sent me some molds, things to try and samples. I knew the package would be here today, so I eagerly awaited the mail. When it got here, I rushed to open it and wow was I amazed. I had mentioned several things I want to try and they had included samples of those items (lotion bar and lip balm) and some additives to try with the kerosene soap I want to try and some stuff for when I start with color. There was also several soap samples that I cannot wait to try. There was also this wonderful letter that explained what the additives were and what to use them in, and what each soap was and how long it had cured. The letter will go into my folder as there was so much info in it that I want to hang on to. Needless to say, I am thrilled and excited and so happy I get to be a part of something that has such nice members who take an interest in what you are trying to do. Words just cannot express how impressed I was! :)

I am also grateful that there are such kind and caring people on this site. People who are willing to help you by answering your questions, even though they have probably been asked a thousand times before.

I am grateful for my loving and sometimes crazy family.
I am grateful that we are all healthy and fit.
I am grateful for this summer weather (even though I hate it sometimes, I'm starting to enjoy it and my vegetable garden is loving it too).
I am grateful for FINALLY finishing my degree and I am registered nurse now, ready to work after Christmas.
I today especially I am grateful to little black fluff ball of a kitten that came to our lives after losing our elderly cat. He finally brought some happiness back.
And coffee of course. :D Can't live without it!
I am grateful for:

A wholesale customer who gave me some wise advice and encouragement today for dealing with an unhappy customer.
A husband who generously shares his life with me, even when I'm tired and feeling overwhelmed, as has been true of late.
A little brother and his wife who shouldered the responsibility for helping my invalid mother remain in her own home.
A herd of dogs, cats, and horses who keep things a poppin' around the household.
Y'all here at SMF who challenge me to keep learning and trying new things, rather than stay in a boring little rut.
1. I am grateful for my grandchild coming into house tomorrow
2. I am grateful for my DH who put a new blinds in my computer room :)
3. I am grateful for new skills in soapmaking
4. I am grateful for a mild weather
5. I am grateful for beautiful sky today
IrishLass-I am jealous!

Today I am grateful for:

My husband got a raise today, and will get another when the yearly reviews are done, which affords me the chance to go back and take the course I need.
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Grateful for the woman who runs a kiosk at the airport for contacting and making a large purchase at full price yesterday and then contacted me again with another large order

Grateful my two day last show of the year is almost over as its been disappointing due to two other soapers making ridiculous claims (can cure ring worm and other nonsense)

Only 3 more weeks till I get to see my daughter and grand babies

My husband ordered pizza for dinner so I didn't have to think about dinner
Today I'm grateful for -

* not having to pack my car.(done for me)
* sunny day, but not too hot.
* not in too much pain.
* having a break from soaping
I'm grateful that I got all of my Christmas soaps wrapped and labeled. Everyone is getting at least nine bars from different batches.
I'm grateful that I talked myself out of making a bunch of other things for those packages last night and got a good sleep instead. I needed that!
I'm grateful that we got big, floating flakes of snow yesterday to watch while I was wrapping AND we didn't get so much that I have to pull out the snowblower today. The best kind of snow...
I'm grateful that the Denver Broncos are playing today so I can go to the grocery store during the game and be the only one there. I don't watch football, but I love game days!
Grateful that most of the kids and grand kids will make it here for Christmas.
Grateful for the thaw. Finally above freezing again. ( less pain)
Grateful I live in a house without wheels after spending years living and working out of an RV.
Today - Grateful for -

1. Commitments over for 6 weeks.
2. Last doctors appt. for the year.
3. I was able to do nothing today.
4. Only myself for dinner tonight.
Very grateful my little one will still "believe" for at least one more Christmas, and that she's more interested in the reason behind the holiday.

Finished my last class for this Biology course! Finals next week!

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