CSI's needed

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Well-Known Member
Nov 12, 2012
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I had a small bottle of cherry kernal oil dissappear on me. I have searched all over the apartment, and it is nowhere. I can only conclude the cat is holding it for ransom somewhere.
Two Words: Soap. Gremlins.

The only way to rid yourself of them is to make a batch of soap by the light of the full moon while wearing a bikini top and tutu, standing on your left leg near an open window facing East, and singing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" backwards, all the while stirring with your right elbow. Be sure to throw some Sea Salt over your left shoulder when finished.
Backwards as in "Are you what wonder I how, star little, twinkle twinkle" or "era uoy tahw rednow I woh, rats elttil, elkniwt, elkniwt" because I don't think my tongue can handle the second way.
Well, it depends on the variety of gremlin...I think for Soapus Escapus gremlins (missing ingredients) such as your problem, just literally singing the lyrics backwards will suffice ("Are you what wonder...").
However, for the more tricksy wee buggers, like Soapus Stickus Gremlins (responsible for seizing in the pot), you would certainly have to sing the lyrics and actual words backwards ("Era uoy tahw rednow...").
Eeeek! The next full moon isn't till the 27th! Are you sure it's not the cat? She looks very suspicious

very suspicious.jpg

what are you looking at.jpg

I have a cat of this such breed. She is evil, and she will destroy. Bartering some extra kitty snacks may result in the return of said "missing" oil. Likely in the middle of the floor, as though it were there the whole time.
That sounds about right, lol. She's a sneaky one. Gets all cozy and tucks her head under my cheek while purring to distract me from her deviousness:problem:
Heh, that's from a cartoon called The Oatmeal. I have his cat book, it's hilarious.
I hate to tell you this but it is a memory thing. I have noticed that the older I get the more things become misplaced. I won't tell you how old I am, but I have a lot of misplaced items. LOL
Have you looked in the fridge? That's where I seem to find whatever I'm missing. It doesn't matter what I've lost; oils, butters, car keys, cell phone, etc
Yeah, I chcked the fridge. I am beginning to think that I must have thrown it out.

I mean, that the cat threw it out for reasons of her own. :shifty: