confetti soap question

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Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2009
Reaction score
Hi all . Ok I have a quick question for ya'll. when making the base for confetti soap how big do you make that batch? I know I want to add confetti at pretty thick trace so stays mixed thruout soap. Also how cured should I let chunks get before using? Thanks in advance. Jenn
Confetti soaps are pretty forgiving. And they are a very good way to turn your mistakes into something wonderful. I have overcolored or overscented a couple of batches and grating those into an uncolored/unscented batch made some of my favorite soaps.

How much you use is up to your preference. Last night I grated 4 bars (4.5oz each) into a new 2KG batch. This makes for a pretty dense confetti which works well in this case because the confetti is large shredded and 2 intense shades of green against a base of plain white (used a little TD).

Others I have done were more subtle with a very thin shred mixed lightly into a similar color.

So play... have fun!
When I use chunks, I cut them the next day and make soap right away so they cure at the same rate. Not sure that matters.