Cold press or Cold process?

Soapmaking Forum

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Because eventually someone would coin some kind of phrase for making soap with lye that doesn't fall in to those categories and then ask for it to be included.

When we all look the sub-forum names in general, it will always take some thought as to where do I put my post, but that is the nature of a forum. For example:

"I am thinking of using this mix of EOs for my CP soap tomorrow - is it a good blend?" would be in the EO section as the main point is the scent itself.

"How much EO to add to my HP soap?" would be in the lye-based soap section as it is not so much about the EO itself.

When it comes to the LS/lye based decision, of course it comes down to whether the question pertains particularly to liquid soap (which is a VERY different beast from bar soap in many respects) or not. Do things survive lye, safety issues and so on are the same, but then dilution issues and particular questions would go in to the dedicated LS section.

It's not always perfect, but it is what it is.
I guess the more appropriate name for this sub-forum would be

Lye-Based Bar Soap Forum

so as not for someone to think that liquid soap is also included (sometimes potash is also referred as Lye I think) .

But then where do the shaving soaps go? Powdered laundry soaps?

ETA, I'm not being obtuse, but simply pointing out that a line has to be drawn somewhere or it just gets trickier and trickier to include everything.

I think if someone doesn't at least look at the sub forum titles before posting, there are bigger issues at hand. And a quick look over the titles would show you that there IS a specific LS section, so I can post my specific LS question there.
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As long as you are all happy!

My thought was that liquid soap and M&P soap are all lye based as well. It does not matter to me. I do see your reasoning Irish Lass.
If you look at the description under the heading it reads, "All about soap making! (CP, HP, Rebatch, handmilled, CPOP, etc)." Although we can't please everyone, we can but try.:eh:
I think it is a wonderful name change. I hadn't even noticed that there was a CP category, but no HP, and would imagine that had more potential to be confusing than the current name.
Thank you mods and admins for trying to make this less a Land of Confusion.
This is what database admins and programmers refer to as normalization. If you think of the forum as a database, and the sub forums as tables in the database, you then have to decide on what level of redundancy you want. You can have first form normalization where there is no duplication but that leads to alot of tables. So we would have a cold process forum, hot process forum, shave soap forum, laundry soap forum, etc. The drawback is that there are so many tables, it makes finding data very time consuming.

While I understand humans love to label things so they fit into our world view, sometimes its just best to go with broad categories, instead of pinning everything down.

Sorry for the computer geekery. It just hit me as a good example and I had to get it off my chest.