Cold press or Cold process?

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Feb 20, 2013
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This curious mind is wondering why the former CP soap forum is now the "Cold press" soap forum. Shouldn't it be "Cold process"? At least that's what I've always thought CP stood for. :roll:
Thank you!! I thought I was seeing things, could have sworn it used to say "cold process", but I figured I had always just assumed that's what it said...:crazy:
I think it used to say CP soap forum and it didn't spell out cold process.

I've never heard it refered to as cold press. Even in the suuuper old book (early 1900's) I'm reading, they refer to it as cold process.
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Penelopejane, while it's true that all 'true soap' is lye-based, not all lye-based soap is made via the Cold Processed method.

The reason why we re-named it Lye Based from Cold-Processed is because 'CP' or 'Cold Process' was too narrow of a title, considering that we have a lot of Hot Process soap-makers here who have often made it known to us that they found the title 'Cold Process' too confusing and/or exclusionary to their particular method of soaping with lye. I hope that helps to make more sense. :)

IrishLass :)