Can Sodium Lactate be added to CP soap at light trace?

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Sep 25, 2018
Reaction score
Cayo Hueso
I just tried a new recipe of my own devising for a coffee scented soap and (of course!), in the thick of things, I forgot to add the sodium lactate before combining my lye liquid and oils! I was at a very light trace when I realized my error and figured "aw, heck, what can it hurt?", so I put it in then. I'm hoping it'll set up just fine - I was soaping at about 106° F, so it was pretty forgiving as I was spooning into my coffee bean-shaped molds, but I'm also just a little panicked because I've never tried doing that before - when I forget the SL, I usually don't realize it until I'm glopping it into a loaf mold at thick trace or, (even more like me!), trying to remove it from said mold two days later.

TL;DR: Will adding SL at light trace irreparably damage my batch?