You definitely got zapped by the pink soap. How long ago did you make it? If it is only a few days old, it may need a bit more time. If it is over a week, it is likely lye heavy. Because you didn't weigh all of your ingredients, it will be hard to guess how much extra oil would need to be added when rebatching.
So, as was explained above, please get a scale that measures to a gram.
When mixing the lye solution, glass is a bad idea. The solution is very strong and will etch the glass, microscopically. Over time, the etching, combined with the thermal stress of the hot solution will weaken the glass and it may break. I cannot imagine cleaning up shattered glass that is coated in lye solution.
Plastic or steel are the best choices. For plastic, look for a #2 or #5 in the recycling triangle. Both are okay for lye.