Breast Milk Soap

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Tabitha said:
Kitn wrote:
Bowl movement . In my line of work it is called a BM.

Now THAT's a soap I wouldn't use...

Which just goes to prove... just cause it's 'natural' doesn't mean it makes a better soap!

I always have a laugh at those that think everything natural (or vegetable) is automatically good for you, and have had more than one argument in the past.
Of course, it never occured to me to use "BM" soap as an example... :lol:
Kitn said:
Bowl movement . In my line of work it is called BM. And seeing it all over is pretty normal. TMI I know.

Kitn, I believe you meant to say "bowel" movement, a bowl movement would be a very different soap indeed.! :lol:

I told one of my nursing coworkers about the mommy and me soap and offered to make it for her. I was kind of relieved when she was to grossed out by the idea to have me make it! :wink: :)

You are so right heyjude , it was bowel . But if a washbasin counts as a bowl :?: I shan't go on TMI ..
Mkay....I read page one, and now I've read page 7....must read the rest in between for some guaranteed hilarity...

And just so's I'm on topic: Breastmilk (BM in the mom-field) soap for YOU as a memento, etc...or for a dear friend, yes. To sell to like I wouldn't sell my underwear to others.

And yes, breastmilk is the cure for pinkeye. ;)
I've also seen the recipe in the Everything Soapmaking Book, and was very much intrigued by it. BM (breast milk) has literally a TON of wonderful properties and is useful for a variety of human ailments, including the treatment of juvenile acne. I doubt I'll be trying it anytime soon however since my currently 7 week-old son seems determined to use every drop he can get from me for his massive growth spurts. :lol: But soon I hope. I don't think I'll tell my older kids what's in the soap though, they have a serious 'yuck' reaction when I mention using my milk for anything but baby-food. ;)
Mother's milk really does have some wonderul properties, so it can be used for uses other than feeding bubby.
I used my milk on my daughter when was tiny to help lift off cradle cap, and I had very cracked n***les when I started feeding her (TMI, sorry guys), and it definitely helped heal up that.
I've heard of people using it to relieve excema and other skin conditions, but soaping it is certainly the next step. I wonder how much survives the lye?
Has anybody tried it?
I'm not doing it, but I'm interested in someone else's findings.
I'm going to be making some today or tomorrow (if I actually find the time...arg! :roll: ) and I will let you know.

I am thinking that I will replace all liquid with milk, frozen to the lye and then add more liquid at trace, just like I do with coconut cream.

For you milk soapers out there, if you have any tips or advice, it would be more than welcome!

Thank you!
I'm wondering, breast milk has really wonderful healing properties, but I don't know how many of the components are heat stable/would survive the lye beast.

I would be interested to know if anyone did handmilling with breastmilk as the liquid and kept the temperatures low, or, perhaps, did it HP, reserved a portion of the liquid and added the breast milk after the cook?

I'd try it but I don't have any readily available, and my DH is very patient with my soaping, but I don't think he's ready to go that far for it! :lol:
ROTFLMAO!!!! I haven't read all the replies BUT....I feel for the poor lactating woman who is not only trying to supply the needs of an infant (or more than one!) but then to produce enough milk to make a steady supply of soap for the family!
Well, I made my BM (Breast-milk) soap. I had some issues (don't leave your stirring stick INSIDE when you mix your lye OUTSIDE) but all in all I have some high hopes for it.

1/2 I left uncolored and unscented. The other 1/2 I swirled green and scented with baby powder and apple. I think I'll call it "Baby Blossoms"

I'm trying not to gel it. So we will see what happens! I would hate to waste that much soap...not to mention milk

Wish me luck! Fingers crossed!
reviving this old thread, I posted my (positive) thoughts to it back in the day as well..

I was contacted by the Dr. Oz show, BECAUSE of this thread! They wanted to know if I would show my soap on the show. I did, and it airs on Wednesday (May 12th). Here is a link to the preview, I am the last couple of clips. That is my breastmilk soap he is sniffing LOL
Congrats, liloutlaw! I, too was contacted by the show about my breast milk soap. I wish I could've gone, but I am glad that you got to do the spot. I tried to look at the clip, but I couldn't find which one it was. Maybe you could tell us what to look for. Again, congratulations!
Lil Outlaws said:
reviving this old thread, I posted my (positive) thoughts to it back in the day as well..

I was contacted by the Dr. Oz show, BECAUSE of this thread! They wanted to know if I would show my soap on the show. I did, and it airs on Wednesday (May 12th). Here is a link to the preview, I am the last couple of clips. That is my breastmilk soap he is sniffing LOL

Congrats!!!!!! I cant wait to see it.
when you go to the link

there should be a video clip box in the middle. Click the play arrow and it goes through the whole show preview. At the end there is a girl shampooing his head and then me (blue shirt) lathering up his arm and him sniffing my soap. Thats me that says "the best ingredient in it is.."
I have 60oz of breastmilk in my freezer that wont get drank up here becaue I dont bottle feed..ever! I wrote a BM soap recipe when I was pregnant anxiously awaiting my milk. Now that I have it I dont want to ruin it and it is killing me thinking of adding the lye to it! Any suggestions from experienced BM soap makers? Should I CP, HP or HM it?
Deda said:
What is Hand Mill? Is that rebatch or MP?

I am so off! :oops: From what I have read online I assume it is grating cured soap (i have plenty of this...end scraps and such) and melting it down in the crock pot and adding some liquid.