Blackberry Sage, OMH, Dreamsicle, Strawberries N Cream

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Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2013
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These are my latest 4 soaps :) I had a problem with the Blackberry though :( As I was prying it out of my mold I didn't do it evenly and my bottom layer separated. Im so mad! I wonder if there's a way to melt it back together?




All of them look really great!! Sorry your bottom layer came off, I don't know how you could fix that. maybe someone will chime in. It still looks great though! :)
They all look amazing as per usual. :) I had the bottom come off my element soap ,and I found that jus tpushing it back together and letting it sit for a few days undisturbed helped. If that doens't work maybe you could use a little MP soap as a "glue" ?
Gorgeous soaps!!! One of my first batches, the bottom layer fell off.. I scrapped it. It was my first coffee soap. it was lye heavy and my coffee line on the inside was much too thick which is probably why my layers didn't adhere. I scrapped it mainly because it was lye heavy and the layers separated... I don't recommend that you scrap yours.. just telling you what I did with mine lol. I don't know how you'd fix that, it sure is pretty though =(
Thanks guys. Yeah, I never have a problem with my layers adhering. Im so mad, it was because of my impatience! The bottom of my mold sometimes sticks so I have to flip it on its side, slide the cutter between it and flip it to the other side and do the same (since the cutter isn't long enough to slide the whole way). This time I slid it and pryed it :( It popped the whole thing apart :(
When soapers spray the tops of their soaps with alcohol, doesn't that help things adhere? An idea, hate for you to lose that lovely base . . . Love the 'seeds' in the strawberries and cream, looks delicious!
They are all very nice. Looks like you had a good week. What is the top of the first one?