Be Grateful for What You Have

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Oct 14, 2007
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The story is told of a farmer who lived on the same
farm all his life. It was a good farm with fertile
soil, but with the passing of years, the farmer
began to think, ‘Maybe there’s something better
for me’. He set out to find an even better plot of
land to farm.

Every day he found a new reason for criticizing some
feature of his old farm. Finally, he decided to sell.
He listed the farm with a real estate broker who
promptly prepared an advertisement emphasizing all
the many advantages of the acreage: ideal location,
modern equipment, healthy stock, acres of fertile
ground, high yields on crops, well-kept barns and
pens, nice two-story house on a hill above the

When the real estate agent called to read the ad
to the farmer for his approval prior to placing it
in the local paper, the farmer heard him out. When
he had finished, he cried, “Hold everything! I’ve
changed my mind. I’m not going to sell. Why, I’ve
been looking for a place just like that all my life!”
Truth! Whenever I start letting things get to me and feel myself growing cranky and complainy (I know, not a real word, but I like it, lol), it's a very powerful thing to remember the many blessings I have been given.

IrishLass :)
Thanks lsg. I needed that today. Sometimes it's too easy to get caught up in all the little problems and forget how good things actually are.
I've lived through some crazy situations and have learned to never say "It can't get worse". But on the grand scale, I'm sitting in front of my computer having coffee, petting my dog and thinking about soap. That's not so bad. (though I think I'd rather be on that farm!):goodbye1: