
Soapmaking Forum

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I like the Soapmakers Companion by Susan Miller Cavitch. I like to read, watch videos, and play on this forum! I read about what I want to do, search for videos on how to do it, and then look for threads about the subject or start a new thread to get opinions:) I also have the Everything Soap Makers Book by Alicia Grosso. Are the books you own pretty informative?
Soapmaking Book Reviews

I'm new to soapmaking, but I ran across this site with reviews of several soapmaking books that you might find helpful. It's by David Fisher at Best of luck!

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I totally agree about this forum! I've gotten so many ideas and am going to make a batch of soap using room temp method. I do, however, like to read. So, I just downloaded a bunch of soapmaking & body products books for my Kindle. This will be great riding-in-the-car or bathroom or sitting-in-front-of-tv reading. I'm still a couple week away from being able to stand on replaced knee long enough to make soap, so I'm researching & noting ideas. Got an order coming in from ND this afternoon & next week. It's going to be a really good year.
Alicia Grosso's The Everything Soapmaking Book ...

Spent the better part of last night reading this book. I LOVE IT! I don't think it's for beginners; IMO Watson's Smart Soapmaking is a better beginner's book. It's great for the soaper who is ready to "branch out." Her how-to's on layering & swirling & coloring are great. Then there are the tutorials on f.o. & e.o. & adding this 'n that are invaluable.

I'm glad I waited a year to get this book so I understand the terminology and have the hands-on experience to move forward.

Oh, and I'm eager to do some handmilling.