What soapy thing have you done today?

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I have made TWO soaps today.


That's the power of having the house to myself 🤣

I made a beer soap with embeds in it, so today was step 2 for that soap. Then tonight, after my stick blender bell was nice and dry again, I made another one. The batter on this one had such a beautiful consistency. So smooth 🤤
My lye water is cooling, CO is in the microwave waiting to be heated. Making a 100% CO with a 20%SF BB Island Coconut is my scent, putting in the silicone flower molds. Additions are SG and Kaolin Clay. Not stickblending this batch, just going to whisk it to a light trace so I have nice bottoms whisking took too long, SB for just a couple of minutes. Yay, in the molds now.
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Woo hoo, made my January soap challenge today. I’m happy with it now, let’s hope the colors stay true and cut does it justice. 🌸
Side note, I loved having my oils all batched out and weighed in soap making portions. Game changer! 🌸

Using some lovely succulent molds, I made a desert-themed soap on Jan 1. Unfortunately, my gold mica lines between the CP layers aren’t as visible as I’d like, and the MP goats milk cacti are sweating like crazy.
Anyone know why M&P does that, or how to prevent it? I don’t usually use it, but I’ve got about 35 lbs I inherited that I’m trying to use up. Thing is, when my CP soaps are fine, the M&P embeds are sweating like a gambler in church.
Soooooo cute, @Nicolesica! 🌸
Hi everyone.....
Some pics from my friends first soap.
Everything went well. He measures and weighs paint daily. So the scale was not an issue. One minor mold adjustment. Was it. Everything else went as planned. Took forever to set. No stick used. I was not there for the cut. Cannot wait to see it. He lives 2 hours away. We've been best friends for 57 years now.
Spent the weekend purifying tallow. Not the nicest job, but around here it is very cheap - and it makes beautifull white soaps. Terrible time waste waiting for it to cool while it is loadshedding in South Africa, but nou ja. Been dwiddling with making some heart shaped molds to use for embeds in a valentines soap. Founs toilet rolls work the best. Just waiting for tallow to set, then I am goimg to try the modified toilet rolls.


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Hi everyone.....
Some pics from my friends first soap.
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Everything went well. He measures and weighs paint daily. So the scale was not an issue. One minor mold adjustment. Was it. Everything else went as planned. Took forever to set. No stick used. I was not there for the cut. Cannot wait to see it. He lives 2 hours away. We've been best friends for 57 years now.
Hmmm. "Friend" or enabler?
Made ZNSC with CO and Castor Oil in in my BB 18 bar mold. Used BB Made to Measure Type, this is for my wonderful hubby. I told him he owes me $126 😂. He said it looks pukey..., Added some blue mica, will see what it looks like when I unmold it. I should've used TD then added the blue to

Turned out pretty. Should've known with the high olive oil and the addition of CO it would be creamy lol. Still in the molds, rainy here so too tacky to remove yet. Took one bar off and it stuck a little, gonna wait till it is harder.
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I made a Golden Milk soap today, using my basic recipe with turmeric infused olive oil and almond milk. I'm looking forward to the cut. I just hope I didn't use too much turmeric. As soon as as the lye hit the oils and milk, it turned BRIGHT orange. It's still pretty bright, almost 6 hours later.
Spent the weekend purifying tallow. Not the nicest job, but around here it is very cheap - and it makes beautifull white soaps. Terrible time waste waiting for it to cool while it is loadshedding in South Africa, but nou ja. Been dwiddling with making some heart shaped molds to use for embeds in a valentines soap. Founs toilet rolls work the best. Just waiting for tallow to set, then I am goimg to try the modified toilet rolls.
Love your heart mold! Always fun to be able to use what we already have. Great idea to use toilet rolls for soap samples too. Hmmm, you gave me an idea. 😊

I made a Golden Milk soap today, using my basic recipe with turmeric infused olive oil and almond milk. I'm looking forward to the cut. I just hope I didn't use too much turmeric. As soon as as the lye hit the oils and milk, it turned BRIGHT orange. It's still pretty bright, almost 6 hours later.
Please post a photo, sounds like it's going to be a beautiful soap.
I made a Golden Milk soap today, using my basic recipe with turmeric infused olive oil and almond milk. I'm looking forward to the cut. I just hope I didn't use too much turmeric. As soon as as the lye hit the oils and milk, it turned BRIGHT orange. It's still pretty bright, almost 6 hours later.
Does the turmeric dye washcloths or skin when you use the soap? It sounds very interesting. Cant wait to see it!
I made a Golden Milk soap today, using my basic recipe with turmeric infused olive oil and almond milk. I'm looking forward to the cut. I just hope I didn't use too much turmeric. As soon as as the lye hit the oils and milk, it turned BRIGHT orange. It's still pretty bright, almost 6 hours later.
Ohhhh, that sounds awesome @Misschief! I hope you post pics! 🌸
Spent the weekend purifying tallow. Not the nicest job, but around here it is very cheap - and it makes beautifull white soaps. Terrible time waste waiting for it to cool while it is loadshedding in South Africa, but nou ja. Been dwiddling with making some heart shaped molds to use for embeds in a valentines soap. Founs toilet rolls work the best. Just waiting for tallow to set, then I am goimg to try the modified toilet rolls.

I love the idea of using the cardboard rolls! I think I will
Give that a try! Thanks for the idea
Finally got around to making laundry detergent out of a batch of "oops soap" that was lye heavy because I'd forgotten to add one of the oils.

Years ago I switched to liquid detergent because the powders sometimes left residue on my clothes, so I was pleased this batch didn't do that. Worked great and didn't have to toss the "oops soap"!
Finally got around to making laundry detergent out of a batch of "oops soap" that was lye heavy because I'd forgotten to add one of the oils.

Years ago I switched to liquid detergent because the powders sometimes left residue on my clothes, so I was pleased this batch didn't do that. Worked great and didn't have to toss the "oops soap"!
Great recycling. I love it when we can save a soap gone wrong. No waste of our time and materials. Good job 👍
Finally got around to making laundry detergent out of a batch of "oops soap" that was lye heavy because I'd forgotten to add one of the oils.

Years ago I switched to liquid detergent because the powders sometimes left residue on my clothes, so I was pleased this batch didn't do that. Worked great and didn't have to toss the "oops soap"!
I have never done this yet, but would love to try. I have lots of oopsie soaps. 😅

Do you have a recipe you can share?